Oh well, not a victory but it was close and an exciting match to watch. Cueto's "try" was correctly disallowed but at least we got close to scoring a try unlike the Bok.
That's England losing the football against Russia and the rugby against South Africa, now there's Hamilton to bugger up the Formula One this afternoon and that'll be a great week of English sport.
I must admit I was singing "I've never met a nice South African" yesterday and now thanks to Theo Spark I can put the video on my site -
Of course there are some nice South Africans and I have even met three, but I still like the song.
In case you are wondering, and I was, Breyton (or Breyton) Breytenbach "is a South African writer and painter with French citizenship. Breyten Breytenbach was born in Bonnievale in the Western Cape, approximately 180 km from Cape Town and 100 km from the southernmost tip of Africa at Cape Agulhas. He studied fine arts at the University of Cape Town and became a committed opponent of the policy of apartheid. He left South Africa for Paris in the early 1960s. When he married a French woman of Vietnamese ancestry, he was not allowed to return: The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act (1949) and The Immorality Act (1950) made it a criminal offence for a white person to have any sexual relations with a person of a different race. In France he was a founder member of Okhela, a resistance group fighting apartheid in exile. On an illegal trip to South Africa in 1975 he was betrayed, arrested and sentenced to seven years of imprisonment for high treason: his work The True Confessions of an Albino Terrorist describes aspects of his imprisonment. Released in 1982 as a result of massive international intervention he returned to Paris and obtained French citizenship."
Saturday 7-Up
5 hours ago
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