
Tuesday 4 December 2007

More stunning results for Labour's education system

Following on from the reports of standards dropping like stones in reading and science comes news that "UK secondary school students have slipped down an international league table of reading and maths standards. Based on test results in 2006, the UK has lost its top 10 positions for both subjects it held seven years ago."

Here is an interesting piece of information "These Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa) performance tables, based on tests taken by 15-year-olds, are published every three years - but the UK did not participate in the last round of tests, taken in 2003."
I wonder why?

"the latest report shows that the UK's performance has also declined in both reading and maths against international competitors - going from above-average to average.

It is the only country which was in the top-performing group in 2000 to have slipped down into the lower group.

In 2000, the UK was placed eighth in maths and seventh in reading - the UK in the latest table is in 24th place for maths and 17th for literacy."

This Labour government and the politically correct but educationally inept educational establishment is churning out ill-educated, fools full of their own inflated self-worth who are fit only to vote Labour to protect their meaningless non-productive jobs. And it is we the taxpayer who pays for this crap; get angry people, get angry.

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