The BBC are having to face the fact that they have backed a loser but that is hard for them to do. Hence their increasingly vicious attacks on any Conservative that strays from the straight and narrow whilst they all but ignore the (often more) serious lapses by Labour politicians.
The gap between the BBC line and their paymasters (the public) is getting larger and soon may cause a rupture. The BBC have a "Have Your Say" on the subject of "What's do you think of Gordon Brown's year in office?" and the top "READERS RECOMMENDED" are a treat for the non-brainwashed:
"As predicted, this man is far, far worse than Blair & that's saying something. He has no morals whatsoever & is driven by nothing more than a lust for power for power's sake. He has turned this country into a socially engineered cess pit. Democracy has all but disappeared, the scrounger class has prospered at the expense of the hard working majority. He has thrown away our sovreignty, driven by his hatred for the English. Foreigners take priority over the indigenous population & we're over taxed
Geoff Liberty
An utter disaster. The guy's just not up to the job, which was pattently obvious from the outset.
I pity anyone who has to pick up the pieces after the mess Labour has created this time. No one outside of their inner circle knows the half of it yet, especially the total PFI debt that's been racked up. How can anyone expect the Tories to give hard promises on anything against this backdrop?
There is no point in dragging out this farce a day longer, let alone to full term.
Brown Trousers, UK
An "unmitigated disaster" are not strong enough words!
Blair obviously knew something that we didnt know with his reluctance to name Brown as his successor.
Sandra Smith, Southampton, United Kingdom
Gordon Brown thinks he is the right man for the job. Robert Mugabe also thinks he is right for the job.
The vast majority think otherwise!
Give us ALL a break Brown, call an election!
Gerupta Singh "
Meanwhile the BBC have to resort to mixing up poll-ratings on their news captions (again)...

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