
Tuesday 2 February 2010

Another IPCC climbdown

The Daily Mash report that the IPCC have had to make yet another embarrassing climbdown:
"TREES will not uproot themselves and embark on blood-soaked killing sprees by 2035, global warming experts have admitted.

The International Panel on Climate Change confirmed the evidence had not been peer-reviewed and will now amend the section of its 2007 report devoted to 'killer trees'.

A spokesman said: "It appears the claim was not based on new data or field research but on that bit with the angry, talking trees in Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.

"We're reviewing our procedures to determine how it made it into the final draft, though someone should probably have noticed the vivid description of the attack on Saruman's underground orc factory.

"There is a supplementary source, and yes it is that bit with the angry, talking trees in The Wizard of Oz."
Sometimes satire is just so close to the truth!

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