
Wednesday 3 February 2010

Evan Davis is indignant

BBC Radio 4's Today programme contained a piece described by the Today website thus:
"The Conservatives have been criticised for using questionable crime statistics in the run up to the election. The party sent out figures to constituencies in England and Wales suggesting big rises in violent crime while Labour have been in power, but the way the figures were compiled changed in 2002. Home affairs editor Mark Easton outlines the controversy and shadow home secretary Chris Grayling explains his party's use of the figures."
Evan Davis's indignant interview of Chris Grayling was a classic of its kind. Oddly I don't recall such righteous indignation ever being used against Gordon Brown or Alistair Darling over their dodgy economic data.

Maybe Evan 'Tinsel Tits' Davis is harder on the Conservative than Labour politicians for some reason that we should know of? I await his next interview with a senior Labour politician so a comparison can be made, although I note that that won't be this morning.

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