
Wednesday 3 February 2010

Might this explain why Fraser Nelson has had his lobby pass removed?

The Tap reports that:
"Four journalists, including Fraser, were found not to have declared their up-to-date outside interests, and have been reprimanded and punished to some extent by the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner.

But only Fraser Nelson has been actually banned from the Lobby, his pass removed. The others were more mildly rebuked. We don't know the full facts of the case, but it seems strange that the only confident voice declaring that Labour are, in his opinion, through, is the only one being chopped."
So why would the Labour leadership be so keen on banning Fraser Nelson? It couldn't be anything to do with his unwelcome questioning of the Prime Minister last June, could it? Note that Guido Fawkes reports that the Daily Mirror’s political editor Kevin Maguire hadn't registered a very obvious outside interest, his column in Public Affairs News "that he admitted, with a raucous cackle, having had for two years.". I wonder if the Labour defending Kevin Maguire will have his Lobby Pass revoked? Somehow I doubt it.

Note that in the video above Gordon Brown was still denying any planned Labour cuts (2.3% year on year for three years) and decrying the Conservatives for planning 10% cuts. Gordon Brown claimed that 10% cuts would lead to schools and hospitals closing, perhaps someone might ask him whether Labour cuts planned for 2011 of over 10% will result in similar closures. Maybe Evan Davis could ask Gordon Brown to explain his claim in June last year that "The public spending in our Country is rising and it's going to continue to rise, if you want to debate about public spending cuts have it with the Conservative party who are determined to have them.... that is a fact, I've said it, public spending continues to rise."

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