
Wednesday 3 February 2010

Was Gordon Brown telling a 'Brownie' in June last year?

Earlier today I posted a piece asking why Fraser Nelson had had his Lobby pass revoked. I think that the video I included in that piece deserves repetition as it raises an interesting question...

Note that in the video above Gordon Brown still denying any planned Labour cuts (2.3% year on year for three years) and decrying the Conservatives for planning 10% cuts. Gordon Brown claimed that 10% cuts would lead to schools and hospitals closing, perhaps someone might ask him whether Labour cuts planned for 2011 of over 10% will result in similar closures. Maybe the BBC's Evan Davis or Nick Robinson could ask Gordon Brown to explain his claim in June last year that "The public spending in our Country is rising and it's going to continue to rise, if you want to debate about public spending cuts have it with the Conservative party who are determined to have them.... that is a fact, I've said it, public spending continues to rise."

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