
Friday 5 March 2010

Gordon Brown at the Chilcot Inquiry

I trust the Chilcot Inquiry will ask Gordon 'fearty' Brown about two statements made to it in previous weeks:
1. "when I arrived in the Ministry of Defence in October 1999 there was quite a strong feeling that it was not fully funded" - Geoff Hoon

2. Sir Kevin Tebbit, Permanent Secretary at the MoD from 1998 to 2005, who said that Brown imposed a “complete guillotine” on defence resources, so that he was “running essentially a crisis budget”. This in wartime; the invasion of Iraq took place between March and May 2003; it beggars belief that, in September of that year, Brown imposed stringent cuts on defence spending.

Of course as 'evidence' is not taken under oath, I doubt that Gordon Brown will feel obliged to tell the truth, expect many 'Brownies'.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Brown should have looked to his history...