
Monday 9 August 2010

Criticism is not welcome

The BBC's text ball by ball page is often puerile, childish and apparently aimed at the ill-informed but I was still surprised to read this criticism this morning :
'From Mike in Harrogate, TMS inbox: "This won't be posted . Why is BBC website's Live Text Commentary so often infantile, purile, smug nonsense, with no understanding of cricket beyond that of a couple of drunken yobs sitting in a jacuzzi at their first 20-20 game? As a license-payer, who spends time abroad working, and the audio is too expensive to stream, this is my only option to tap into 'live commentary' to get a feel of the game, but it aint possible within this laddish playground. Maybe the subject should be 'For Mark Thompson' then perhaps it'll go the same way as other parts of the website and the Asian Network - le's hope."'

Of course this sort of attack could not be allowed to stand and so very quickly:
'From Dominic in Milton Keynes, TMS inbox: "RE: Mike in Harrogate. You are right Mike, as a license payer you are entitled to a completely tailored service which meets your specific situation and requirements. It doesn't matter how many people love the BBC Cricket text commentary (and the sport commentary in general) you should get the exact service that only you require. Puerile and childish? What do you mean anyway? Stop talking rubbish you smelly silly-head."


From Neil Church, TMS inbox: "All credit to Mike from Harrogate for helping create that authentic 'live' atmosphere - by imitating that miserable sod whom you wish wasn't sitting near to you."'


'From Oliver, Birmingham, TMS inbox: "Mike in Harrogate. Speaking as a licence payer with the best part of 40 years cricket watching and playing behind me, I couldn't agree less with your pompous observations. There are many other places on the internet you can go for 'drier' coverage. If you want commentary such as: 14.3 Mohammad Amir to Trott, no run. Personally, I'd rather take one from Shaun Tait in the crackers..."'


'From Chris in London, TMS inbox: "Ode to Mike in Harrogate. 'The game of cricket is a serious matter/ No time for silliness, or idle patter/ A detailed ball-by-ball commentary/ Is far more important than some daft repartee.
So please, I beg, speak of nothing but the scoring/ Because I much prefer the world/ When we're all being boring.'"'

Why did the BBC decide that the best way to cover ball by ball cricket was via infantile banter? Why can cricket not be treated seriously?

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