
Monday 2 August 2010

Explaining the pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel feelings at the top of the Conservative party and in the Foreign Office

A small piece in The Sunday Telegraph had the headline 'Hague's new chief left job over love for PLO official' and revealed that:
'Having provoked anger with his description of Gaza as a "prison camp", David Cameron's latest appointment is likely to raise further suspicions among supporters of Israel about the direction of his policy in the Middle East.

Mandrake can disclose that the new head of the Foreign Office, Simon Fraser, left his post working for a minister in the last Conservative government after he became romantically involved with an official of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), which was considered to be a terrorist organisation at the time.


"Simon established a cohabiting relationship with a Palestinian woman who was an official of the PLO," confirms his colleague. "Simon considered his position and decided that this relationship, which was a loving one, could cause problems among the government and in his professional life.'

And then just to show that the new bosses might very well be too similar to the old ones:
'Fraser had previously worked as the permanent secretary at the Department for Business to Lord Mandelson, for whom he was Chef du Cabinet at the European Commission for four years.'

Yes it seems as though its just the names that may have changed but the policies and officials stay the same.

'A Foreign Office spokesman says: "It is not our policy to comment on gossip."'
Gossip/facts, the Foreign Office don't care as their role involves keping Islamic countries talking to the UK and if that involves selling out Israel then no great problem.

1 comment:

Grant said...

I read that too. Absolutely disgraceful that this wretched man has been given this job. I am getting more and more disillusioned with the new government every day.