
Wednesday 11 August 2010

'it’s BBC Radio’s gang of Lefty comedians that betrays its political bias '

Patrick West in The Telegraph back in March blogged aboutthe lefty bias on BBC Radio 4 and why it's bias in the comedy output that is most pernicious and he highlights some of the culprits that I have mentioned in the past:
'An obvious example is Jeremy Hardy, who will be familiar to listeners of The News Quiz. Unlike Brigstocke, Hardy is amusing. He has a quick mind and a wonderful sense of the surreal, but whenever the topic veers onto Northern Ireland or American foreign policy we know what sarcastic and formulaic conclusion is coming. The same goes for Mark Steel, a man with an eye for the ridiculous – except when his own political opinions are concerned.


Mark Watson, another environmentalist, has campaigned on behalf of Al Gore. Sandi Toksvig is a Liberal Democrat supporter and The Now Show’s Hugh Dennis is partial to delivering that ubiquitous line “It would be like a headline in the Daily Mail”. This has become an awful cliché, so beloved of radio and TV comedians, and is now about as original as making gags about Stevie Wonder’s eyesight or Stephen Hawking’s mobility.

The liberal-left love this line because it conforms to their lazy, stereotypical view of conservatives as either stupid or horrible. Yes, the Daily Mail is frequently alarmist and ridiculous, even callous, but a joke gets less funny the more times it is told. Making derisive quips about headlines that refer to “house prices” and “illegal immigrants” is pretty tiresome when people actually have sincere and valid concerns about house prices and immigration.

So why the bias on BBC radio comedy? An obvious answer is that it reflects a wider malaise that permeates Radio 4, in that it is run by people who think Left-wing opinions are the norm. What you hear on the Today programme, day after day is, if I dare say it, “just like a headline in the Guardian”.'


Weekend Yachtsman said...

"it is run by people who think Left-wing opinions are the norm"

You've hit the nail on the head there.

The BBC is a large publicly-funded organisation, based in London and relentlessly London-centric. Its staff includes a disproportionate number of the young, the metropolitan, gay, minorities, etc, and its very well-paid management is used to getting loads of free money and not having to deliver anything useful.

What else would it be except left-biased?

They actually think their opinions are typical.

Anonymous said...

I do not believe the bbc are so naive as to believe their opinions are normal or typical.
They have an arrogant and dismissive attitude to the public, and they believe their mission is to spread their immature vision through their views as a national / international media operator.
This is why the UK is in such a desperate social and economic mess.