
Friday 11 March 2011

The BBC giving a platform to Labour without asking any inconvenient questions

The BBC happily reprort that:
'Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls has called on the government to reverse January's VAT rise on car fuel immediately.

Ministers needed to act now rather than wait until the Budget to reduce fuel charges, Mr Balls told the BBC.

He said it was wrong to increase the VAT rate at a time when tensions in the Middle East were pushing up fuel costs.

Mr Balls urged Conservative and Liberal Democrat MPs to vote with Labour to reduce the VAT on fuel when the issue is debated in Parliament next week.'
Not a word about Labour's fuel escalator or the myriad of rises in fuel duty under Labour. Ed Balls is just allowed to say what he likes. If this had been an article by a Conservative during the last Labour government then space would have been put aside for the Labour response, this was often immediately after the initial headline accusation and before the detail of that accusation. The BBC's bias just gets more and more blatant.

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