I am going to break my own rules because I have received two anonymous comments that I think deserve wider exposure, so intelligent people can see the type of idiots and provocateurs that are out there and that I have to deal with.
This post will deal with the first comment which whilst only a minor was one that I thought deserved wider exposure and some light shone upon it. This however is just the prelude to another comment getting a damn good fisking later today.
The first comment was made in reply to my recent blogging notice in which I said:
'Blogging will be light or non-existent today & tomorrow as a) I am very busy at work and b) I just can't summon the enthusiasm to take on the BBC, international Islamist terrorism, the lies of the green lobby and Labour politicians.Here's the almost Proustian response from my anonymous troll:
Do I really make a difference? Can I make a difference?'
'Thankfully, you don't make a difference. It's a relief that the majority of the country doesn't share your absurd views on just about everything you try to address on this blog...and long may that state of affairs continue.'A savage, biting response I think you will agree. Unfortunately for the troll, I will ignore him/her/it and listen to the other comments I received to that post of mine, here they are in all their positive, uplifting glory; for that is a major difference between the people who agree with me and those who don't - the former seem to be intelligent and honest whilst the latter seem to be twisted by hatred and full of bile:
'I know numbers aren't everything but 6:1 seems fairly conclusive as well as a reminder of a recent football score.Anonymous said...
- It's a good question, but ultimately pointless as you'll never know. We say what we say because we feel morally bound to speak out against wrong in the world. We stand against the tide of moral relativism, vested interest, corruption and just plain evil, because if we don't, nobody will. Someone once said: "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" I think it was Burke. Yours is but one small voice, but it has a large and growing audience and you never know whether someone in a position of power may have their minds chanced by something you have written. So keep your spirits up and know that you are on the side of the angels.
Ed P said...
- Yes you do! In particular, checking up on the BBC's never-ending anti-Israeli bias is perhaps a thankless task, but an essential one, and you're very good at it. Keep it up!
andy5759 said...
- Chin up, it always seems darker just before the dawn.
Anonymous said...
- Course you can. Don't give up the fight.
Anonymous said...
- Like the Stereophonics said it only takes one match to burn a thousand trees.
Davieboy said...
- I don't know if you do make a difference, but nor do I know why I sometimes comment on websites or "+1" items. Makes me feel a bit better, and not so isolated in my opinions. Actually, I take it back, you DO make a difference, yours is one of my fave blogs, so please keep doing it!
Grant said...
- Mr. Goat, Sorry I have not been able to post much in the last month or so and am just getting back into B-BBC. But, yes you do make a difference and , together with the other excellent blogs, I am sure you keep the enemy looking over their shoulders. So don't despair. Keep on going ! Grant