
Sunday 7 October 2007

Just one comment on the BBC's coverage of Gordon Brown's interview with Andrew Marr

From the ever informative Oscar on Biased BBC "Oscar:
Having just watched Andrew Marshmallow interview Gordon Brown I think some serious questions need to be asked of the BBC. The entire programme, complete with Polly Toynbee interrogating Cameron on the couch, showed them acting as stooges for the Labour party. How ludicrous that Cameron should be given the third degree over the non doms, while Brown was allowed to romp away with his absurd excuse that he was 'listening' to the people and making a responsible decision about the election - surely you'd have to have had a lobotomy not to see through that spin. I hope the BBC is inundated with protests at this exercise in state controlled media.
Oscar | 07.10.07 - 10:30 am |"

There are so many more of these comments, all in a similar vein. I am not sure who has made the more stupid move, Gordon Brown for announcing his decision to just one interviewer, the very tame Andrew Marr, or the BBC for acceding to Gordon's demand. In one move Gordon Brown looks like a control freak and the BBC like the state broadcaster for a rather nasty third world despot. On the plus side, this state of affairs will have annoyed the Rupert Murdoch media - Sky and the Times/Sun stables, not a bright move Gordon - they are already anti-BBC and anti-European Treaty, how much ammunition do you want to give them Gordon?

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