
Thursday 13 December 2007


There is a fine article at EU Referendum about the betrayal of democracy when Gordon Brown signs (in private) the EU Reform Treaty today. It quotes Richard Shepherd speech, part of which I repeat here:

"There was a joy, in that at the last election all three parties promised that the people should be invited - no, not invited, but should be given the right, which we would express by law - to take part in a referendum on this treaty. … Labour's 2005 election manifesto promised this:

"We will put it" - the European Union constitution - "to the British people in a referendum and campaign whole-heartedly for a 'Yes' vote".

That was the undertaking given by the Labour party - the Labour Government, in fact - and the then Prime Minister made clear not only that the British people would have their say on the EU constitution, but that if the constitution were rejected he would not sign up to what was simply an amended version. At the time he said:

"We don't know what is going to happen in France, but we will have a referendum on the constitution in any event—and that is a government promise".

He went on to say:

"what you can't do is have a situation where you get a rejection of the treaty and then you just bring it back with a few amendments and say we will have another go".

But is that not exactly what is happening now? That is the deceit … This House is at the lowest ebb of my lifetime. People's contempt for our institutions and our Parliament is at a level that I have never perceived before. Why? Because we are not trustworthy. That is the truth. People do not believe what we say."

Does anyone believe a word that this Labour government says any more? Did you ever?
Perfidious scum the lot of them.

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