"This is a non story. No money was passed to the Conservatives therefore no rules were broken.
Irrespective of whether or not money was asked for, NONE was received.
We all know how Mandleson works. And this has his nasty stench around it.
Stuart forster, London
Recommended by 329 people
Added: Wednesday, 22 October, 2008, 07:14 GMT 08:14 UK
Why? Blair didn't over the £1 million Formula One pay off. Mandleson didn't after he had to leave government twice - before being brought back to spread nonsense like this.
harry portsmouth
Recommended by 263 people
Added: Wednesday, 22 October, 2008, 07:18 GMT 08:18 UK
Labour really are scraping the barrel now! For gods sake stop the tittle tattle, look in a mirror, call a General election, move aside now, whilst we still have a country left!
Darryl Milligan, Wallasey, United Kingdom
Recommended by 256 people
Added: Wednesday, 22 October, 2008, 07:05 GMT 08:05 UK
He's started, the prince of darkness arrives and the innuendos and accusations start. Osborne may have made an error of judgement, but any of us has been guilty of that at one time or another. But with friends like Rothschild who needs enemies. All this is over Osborne questioning why Mandelsson took a job with this incompetent rabble when only weeks before he was mouthing off about McClown.Before anyone starts ranting, up until a few weeks ago I was a labour supporter for 45 years, never again.
Maximus, Boxgrove UK
Recommended by 225 people
Added: Wednesday, 22 October, 2008, 07:05 GMT 08:05 UK
Look, if the media had got hold of this story BEFORE Mr Osborne walked away – and it was the media interest that made him decline the money, then maybe it is worth a story. The fact remains that NO MONEY CHANGED HANDS. You can tell that Mandelson is back in office – the king of sleaze and spin and New Labour cover-ups.
I hope Brown faces an enquiry for his "FUNDAMENTAL MISJUDGEMENTS" of the economy over the last ten years.
Hurst Vanrooj, Sheffield, United Kingdom
Recommended by 216 people
Added: Wednesday, 22 October, 2008, 07:02 GMT 08:02 UK
Muck raking by Mandleson. What exactly has Osborne done other than have a beer on a yacht whilst on holiday, something most of us would like to do. He took no money, unlike Labour with Eccleston etc. I fail to see the story in this. It's just an attempt by Labour to get their friends in the media, especially the BBC, to try and deflect some of the flak Labour should be getting at the moment with regard to their mismanagement of the economy. Come on BBC, you are supposed to be impartial.
[handsomeDrProd], England
Recommended by 212 people
Added: Wednesday, 22 October, 2008, 08:21 GMT 09:21 UK
Well, what is becoming apparent is the impartiality of a once
great organisation the BBC.
When Cameron made a fantastic speech on the economy last week, it was news story 4 or 5 , not even a headline.
Now this hogwash is centre stage when homes are reprocessed, pensioners are on the breadline, Britain is heading for a police state, shame on the BBC, it was only a matter of time before the state took over the BBC.
Pete Lyons, Wigan
Recommended by 199 people
Added: Wednesday, 22 October, 2008, 07:08 GMT 08:08 UK
No inquiry needed, what is there to inquire about? So far as I'm aware, no money ever changed hands, and this is a fuss over a deal that never was. If you want an inquiry, how about an inquiry over [swoon, socialist hero!] Gordon Brown's mishandling of our economy?
No doubt, this is part of Labour's propaganda fightback against the Tories. I expect it will be fully aided and abetted by the woefully left-wing biased BBC.
Peter, Cambridge
Recommended by 195 people
Added: Wednesday, 22 October, 2008, 08:23 GMT 09:23 UK
As per usual the biased BBC are getting over excited about this story,and giving it blanket coverage.
kerry lester
Recommended by 188 people
Added: Wednesday, 22 October, 2008, 08:22 GMT 09:22 UK
Why are the press not putting Mandelson under the spotlight. He is another member of government, not elected by the Electorate, put into office by a Prime Minister who will not call an Election and responsible for the current state of our country.
I am far more concerned about what Brown et al are doing apart from piling more debt on the tax payer.
It is obvious Mandelson is back with the 'Sleaze and Innuendo' brigade. Remember all the 'Whitewash' enquiries we have had uner Labour.
Recommended by 174 people
Added: Wednesday, 22 October, 2008, 08:05 GMT 09:05 UK
Is the BBC the official propaganda channel of the Labour Party?
Fussing over a petty squabble like this really stinks when you consider the way Labour are ruining the country.
Honest John, Earth
Recommended by 173 people
Added: Wednesday, 22 October, 2008, 07:11 GMT 08:11 UK
Only if Tony Blair is prepared to come back and answer to the House on the Formula 1 donation and if we can finally have the truth on Cash for Honours.
Martin, Reading
Recommended by 170 people
Added: Wednesday, 22 October, 2008, 08:08 GMT 09:08 UK
No laws were broken and the 'bombshell' letter from the main protagonist has been amended THREE times.
Instead, there is real economic bad news, it seems the BBC is doing the government's bidding in keeping it off the airwaves.
Add to the mix that one BBC journalist is potentially facing an SFO investigation for their part in insider trading that seems to spill over in their reportage.
Osborne had a bad day and credibly gave a full account.
Big deal.
Now, how about some proper news?
Mike Thomas, London, United Kingdom
Recommended by 161 people
Added: Wednesday, 22 October, 2008, 07:11 GMT 08:11 UK
Does anyone really give a 'monkeys' if Osborne asked for money ?
With the state of this country at the moment, if all MP's have to concern themselves with is utter trivia like this, it's a pretty sad state of affairs.
I'm no Tory fan, but for God's sake, we should be sorting out why cancer sufferers are denied medicine, why there is a virtual breakdown of law & order, why there is uncontrolled immigration, why old people can't afford to heat their homes etc etc etc
It's pathetic.
Chris, Guildford
Recommended by 151 people
Added: Wednesday, 22 October, 2008, 07:01 GMT 08:01 UK
I am stunned by the ease with which the obscenely rich egos can manipulate our media. Even the question asked here is a corruption.
I ask you "can I give you some money". You say "no". This is surely a discussion about money being gifted! Of course Osbourne cannot answer... either way he looses. The media are then conned into a ridiculous frenzy that frankly is a mega bore.
Further YOU corrupt the question into something not being doubted!! And I thought the BBC had improved of late, geez.
JR Gibson, Telford, United Kingdom
Recommended by 135 people"
Saturday 7-Up
23 hours ago
1 comment:
Um, the one that no-one recommended. Yup, that's the one!
Oh, and if there was such a comment (I haven't bothered to check as I rarely waste time with the Beeb) it was probably by one of Draper's gang of 'lusers' anyway...
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