
Saturday 17 October 2009

Harriet Harman pwn3d

Andrew Neil comprehensively pwn3d on the Straight Talk show. Just watch the amount of blinking that Harriet Harman does especially when answering questions on the expenses scandal.

Second best exchange:
AN: "You wouldn't deny that there is real anger on the Labour backbenches with the way Gordon Brown has handled this."
HH: "Well I don't think it's a question of the way Gordon Brown has handled it. The first point to make..
AN: "But that was my question."

Third best exchange:
AN: "Let me try again, I'll only try one more time, then I'll give up"
HH: Then ignores the question yet again...

The best exchange was over Harriet Harman's internal party soundings from 21:16. Watch the exchanges a few times and note How Harriet Harman starts off very sure footedly but from 22:44 has great difficulty finding a way of not answering the question.

Harriet Harman did say that she will not stand for Prime Minister if there is a vacancy, if asked, nominated or selected - We will see...

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