
Thursday 15 October 2009

The same misinformation again

The BBC report that:
"The financial crisis would not have been as severe had there been more women in top City jobs, MPs have heard.

Investment banker Ros Altmann also warned MPs that current measures used to recruit executives need overhauling to ensure more women land senior posts.

A more cautious approach, rather than an "alpha male" one, would also be beneficial, Professor Charles Goodhart of the London School of Economics said. "
This smacks of Harriet Harman's line that the financial crisis probably wouldn't have happened if Lehman Brothers had been called Lehman Sisters. Of course this shows how out of touch with City reality so many people are. Alex masterley:
"...if Ms. Harman had done her research, she would have discovered that the systemic disaster that is the credit default swap originated from the derivatives team run by the ever so definitely female Blythe Masters (great name for a senior swaps dealer: you couldn't make it up, sheer nominative determinism). Indeed, during the boom years, the lefty feminist press made a great song and dance about the fact that her team booked $4 trillion of the things every year."

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