
Wednesday 5 June 2013

Michael Adebolajo speaks

That's one of the Woolwich terror suspects, Michael Adebolajo, filmed in 2009 at a demonstration against the English Defence League in Harrow. A demonstration held on the eighth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist atrocity. If you can't catch the words, here they are:
'Allahu akbar. There is no god but Allah, Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah. We are not scared of kuffar. My brothers, remain in your ranks and do not be scared of these filthy kuffar. They are pigs. They are worse than cattle. Allahu akbar. There is no god but Allah, Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah.'
Ah pigs and cattle, kuffar, the lovely way that Islamists speak about non-Muslims.Where have I heard that comparison in England before?

Pause the video at 1:35 and look to the left of the screen, do you spot the ‘Stop the Fascist BNP’ placard? Isn't that a slogan of Unite Against Fascism? Don't you just love lefties who claim to fight fascism but are happy to support Islamic fascists?

Thanks to The Mail for the video spot.

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