
Thursday 2 April 2009

"72 per cent say they are seriously worried by the national debt"

The Spectator reports that:
"For the last 15 years, a four-letter word has terrified and paralysed the Conservative leadership: cuts. When it has been deployed by Gordon Brown on the electoral battlefield, the Tories have had no defence. Even after they surrendered and signed up to Labour’s spending plans, Mr Brown still accused them of planning ‘deep and painful cuts’. It is, as it happens, a charge entirely without foundation. Even now, the only people openly saying that state spending is too high are a bunch of supposed oddballs: Norman Tebbit, John Redwood — and 72 per cent of the British public."

Read the whole of the article by Fraser Nelson but be aware that Gordon Brown is watching, noting and plotting his next attack on Tory Cuts - this line of attack is his best chance of winning the next election and he will play it hard and he will play it often. It is a line that will be trotted out by Gordon Brown, Alistair Darling, Peter Mandelson etc. etc. etc. in every interview, in every speech and in every advertisement from now until the elction. It is a line that will be enthusiastically repeated and amplified by the BBC and it is a line that may well win enough waverers back to the Labour party.

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