
Tuesday 11 August 2009

Has Gordon Brown had a CRB check?

The Labour party let it be known via the BBC that Gordon Brown would be carrying out voluntary work (maybe with disadvantaged teens) in his constituency over the summer break. It seems that this has not happened yet and I was wondering whether Gordon Brown would need to be CRB checked like us mere mortals would have to.

Mary Wakefield has also been wondering about this and who will pay the cost of the CRB check, she has had no reply from Downing Street. Labour Bollocks are wondering along similar lines although they also want reassuring that Gordon Brown will be "working for a legitimate organisation or group, and that some Labour activists haven't just been rounded up and told to play volunteers for a week to make (him) look good?". The Register are also wondering about CRB checking the PM.

the whole "charity work" story seems like a Labour attempt to portray Gordon Brown as a man of the people, an ordinary guy, a man with a "moral compass". However it is too late for that, he's been rumbled; people realise that he's even more isolated from reality than was Tony Blair, he's a really weird person and his "moral compass" is warped if not actually broken (that's it ever existed in the first place). Gordon Brown is a fake and finally that has become to clear to most people, the fact that he still leads the Labour party and is Prime Minister speaks volumes for the cowardice in the upper echelons of the Labour party and for the size of the client state that he has assiduously built up over the last 12 years.

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