
Tuesday 13 October 2009

Panic on the streets of Berlin, Paris and Brussels

The EU bosses are worried that if a Conservative government is elected in the UK before the Lisbon Treaty is put into force then a referendum called in the UK would vote their project down. Leaving aside the fact that if the referendum is certain to be defeated then why has the UK's Labour lickspittle government ratified it there is another worrying story emerging.

It seems that the German and French governments, as well as that of the Swedes who hold the rotating EU Presidency, are putting pressure on the Czech President Vaclav Klaus to sign the Treaty as Fredrik Reinfeldt, the Prime Minister of Sweden, said to the signing ceremony in Poland "We do not need more delays". Meanwhile it is alleged that pressure is being put on the Czech Parliament to persuade their stubborn President to sign the Lisbon treaty, talk of impeachment proceedings or maybe stripping him of his treaty-signing powers is rife. Either of these routes would mean the Treaty being signed before any possible UK general election.

Sordid isn't it? The EU pushing a small member country to sign-up and shut-up so as to ensure that the popultaion of one of the big EU countries is denied a referendum, a referendum that they were promised by all their political parties ahead of the last general election. You might be excused for wondering why the EU are so desperate to impose the Lisbon Treaty if it is just a "tidying up exercise". Maybe it is somewhat more than that... We know it, they know it; it's just that they will continue to lie about it right up until the Treaty is in place and we are subsumed, even more than we are now, into the EU super-state.

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