Other highlights, although what could be better than a Dalek offering The Doctor a cup of tea, were a Dalek carrying a box file on his 'sink plunger' and the frankly brilliant sight of a Dalek on the roof in a blackout with little khaki hoods on the little lights on his head.

'Victory of the Daleks' was a typical Mark Gatiss written episode, historical with a touch of the surreal. Mark Gatiss's love of the 1930s to 1950s as shown in 'The Idiot's Lantern' was nicely displayed and the character of Matt Smith's Doctor is becoming more filled out and Karen Gillan/Amy Pond's skirt was brief enough to keep the dad's watching happily .
Not a classic episode but good enough to keep the series ticking over nicely.
The spoilers at the end annoy, as usual, but next week it's the return of Professor River Song and the Weeping Angels in 'The Time of Angels'. As I said previously I feel it's too soon for the return of River Song, has nobody heard of delayed gratification in the Dr Who team? I also fear that the Weeping Angels might not be as incredible as in 'Blink'.

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