Rational Optimist spots the USA Today scare story that
'If the entire Greenland ice sheet melted, which is not predicted, scientists estimate that global sea levels would rise about 20 feet, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center.'
and explains the slight problem:
'what percentage of its ice mass is Greenland losing each year, so how long have we got before the 20 feet engulf us all?
The new study says Greenland lost 385 cubic miles between 2002 and 2009. Sounds a lot.
Greenland has 700,000 cubic miles of ice. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenland_ice_sheet)
So it's losing 1% per century, 0.01% per year. Funny that number never appeared in the news reports.'
.01% per year, that seems less scary...
You can't let this out of the bag: the sheeple will not so willingly pay climate levies if you tell them the truth!
I just want honest reporting and honest reports from scientist that are not getting paid. I've heard the ocean hasn't hardly risen, inches. Most off what has happened is sinking of land mass, the earth corrects itself, all the time, wants to stay a ball, LOL. It takes land mass glaciers to make the ocean rise, the breaking off of icebergs in the sea, does little to nothing to sea level, and know I'm hearing the Arctic Ice is back to normal.
Where is the fair and honest reporting. We are lied to some much, it is terrible, this is politics, not science. In my opinion, it is the Sun that dictates the hot the cold, nothing more, and humans have nothing to do with it, bottom line.
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