
Saturday 3 April 2010

The Conservatives take all the joy from Labour's 'poster' launch

The Conservatives have taken Labour's back to the 1980s poster and run with it - "Fire up the Quattro, it's time for change".

I also like the Gordon Brown back to the 1970s poster shown below, and please don't let anyone say the car is an Austin Allegro, it is an Austin Maxi...

A lovely comment on Letters From A Tory's article about the poster war, it's from 'Bill Quango MP' and ends with this idea for another anti-Brown poster
'The Terminator.
Brown on the motorcycle in the leather outfit. Half the exoskeleton head peeled away to reveal the metal skull and glowing red eye.
“I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle. And your pension, your gold, your wages, your house, your savings and your children’s salaries and their children’s earnings too. And when you die I want another 10% of whatever you have left. And then.. I’ll be back… for more.”'

1 comment:

Craig said...

That those two posh idiots from an Ealing comedy, the Miliband Brothers, were the ones to unveil this disaster makes it even funnier.

That they couldn't see that Gene Hunt is 'cool' (all the ladies at work come out in hot flushes at the thought of him) and that Labour was about to step on an enormous banana skin is almost endearing, like judges who've never heard of Simon Cowell.

They are the Milibands though, so maybe not.