A fulllength Seinfeld episode but with a twist. The voice impersonations are uncanny especially Jerry and Elaine.
Farage Vs Lowe Spat Continues as Nigel Hits Back
11 hours ago
I am not a sheep, I have my own mind
I have had enough of being told what and how to think
Whilst we are still allowed the remnants of free speech,
I will speak out.
I also reserve the right to discuss less controversial matters should I feel the urge.
Dr. Subhi Al-Yaziji, Dean of Quranic Studies at the Islamic University of Gaza, recently said: "All Jews in Palestine today are fair game - even the women." "Every single Jew in Palestine is a combatant, even the children," he said. In the Hamas Al-Aqsa TV interview, aired on October 16, 2015, Al-Yaziji further said that terror attacks "should be carried out in the very heart of the enemy - in Haifa, Jaffa, Tel Aviv, and Hadera."
'The rate of infection among UK-born Londoners has risen, while among the non-UK-born it has fallen - and the report said it would be wrong to assume TB was a disease of migrants.'
'Russia and Eastern Europe still have high rates of MDR TB today. Spiro says that many of the cases he sees in London, the TB capital of Europe, can be traced back to those countries. "The control over treatment regimes out there is dreadful," he says. "It's chaos." The number of MDR cases has been rising in England from 28 cases per year in 2000 to 81 cases in 2012.'
'Rabbi Yehuda Malul Rabbi of the Bar Yochai shull in Marseille, tells Behadrey Haredim what had happened: "This is the rabbi of the synagogue Menuchat Shalom (Peaceful Rest) in the city center and one of the shul members, who were on their way to synagogue for shachris (morning prayers). Passing through downtown, they were attacked by a young man of Arab appearance"."The young man shouted "Yahud (Jew), Allah Akbar' and attacked the rabbi with his fists while shouting 'Itbah al-Yahud' (Slaughter the Jews), and the rabbi fell to the floor. A Jew who went to the side of the rabbi tried to protect him, but the young man pulled out a knife and stabbed the man in the abdomen. The Rabbi, Baruch Hashem (Thank G-d), was not hurt and continued to shul, but the Jew who was stabbed was rushed to the emergency room, where doctors said it was a real miracle, and that the knife was blocked due to the heavy coat he was wearing, and if not for the coat, the injury could have been critical."'
'Germany's security and intelligence agencies expressed alarm over the influx of refugees and migrants who harbor radical Islamic views and hatred of Jews, according to a Sunday report in Welt am Sonntag.According to a security document obtained by the paper and read by top-level agency personnel, "We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples as well as a different societal and legal understanding."The newspaper wrote that security sources warn that "the integration of hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants Germany is no longer possible in light of the number and already existing parallel societies."The term "parallel societies" in Germany is frequently defined as insulated Muslim communities that have little or no contact with mainstream society.'
'Pupils and staff at a school at the heart of the Trojan Horse scandal used anti-Semitic language as insults - dubbing people "Jew boys", it has been claimed.A former teacher at Park View Academy in Alum Rock said pupils daubed anti-Semitic graffiti over their notebooks, while she heard teachers and pupils alike calling people the name as a derogatory term. '
'As Hillary Clinton, certainly now the crowned Democrat presidential nominee, has taken the oath before the committee, there is only one question that need be asked. Here is how I would ask it, "Secretary Clinton, did you lie about the impetus behind the Benghazi terrorist attack?"And I would not allow any typical Clintonian obfuscation. I reiterate, "Mrs. Clinton, this is a yes or no question, did you or did you not lie about the cause, the impetus behind the Benghazi terrorist attack?"Ladies and gents, nothing else matters. Truly, if Mrs. Clinton responds "no" that she did not lie, then the American people knows she has perjured herself. If she responds "yes" then she admits she was part of a purposeful deception of the American people surrounding the abandonment and deaths of four Americans.'
'It is absurd. I had no intention to absolve Hitler of responsibility for his diabolical destruction of European Jewry. Hitler was responsible for the Final Solution to exterminate six million Jews. He made the decision. It is equally absurd to ignore the role played by the Mufti, Haj Amin al -Husseini, a war criminal, for encouraging and urging Hitler, Ribbentropp, Himmler and others, to exterminate European Jewry. There is much evidence about this, including the testimony of Eichmann's deputy at the Nuremberg trials, not now, but after World War II. He said:'The Mufti was instrumental in the decision to exterminate the Jews of Europe. The importance of his role must not be ignored. The Mufti repeatedly proposed to the authorities, primarily Hitler, Ribbentropp and Himmler, to exterminate the Jews of Europe. He considered it a suitable solution for the Palestinian question'.Eichmann's deputy, added:'The Mufti was one of the instigators of the systematic extermination of European Jewry and was a partner and adviser to Eichmann and Hitler for carrying out this plan'.The attempt by certain scholars and people to be apologists for the key and important role of Haj Amin al-Husseini, is clear. Many other researchers cite this testimony and others regarding the role of Haj Amin al Husseini.My intention was not to absolve Hitler of his responsibility, but rather to show that the forefathers of the Palestinian nation, without a country and without the so-called 'occupation', without land and without settlements, even then aspired to systematic incitement to exterminate the Jews.Unfortunately, Haj Amin al-Husseini is still a revered figure in Palestinian society, he appears in textbooks and it is taught that he is one of the founding fathers of the nation, and this incitement that started then with him, inciting the murder of Jews - continues. Not in the same format, but in a different one and this is the root of the problem. To stop the murders, it is necessary to stop the incitement.What is important is to recognize the historical facts and not ignore them, not then and not today".'
'A teacher has been banned from the classroom for life after sharing a Facebook post praising Hitler.
Mahmudul Choudhury, from Tower Hamlets, was convicted of the racially aggravated offence resulting in a professional life ban.
The 36-year old IT expert shared an image of Hitler with anti-Semitic text in July 2014 and encouraged others to share it during Israel’s Operation Protective Edge.
The image of the Nazi dictator had the caption: “I could have killed all the Jews, but I left some of them to let you know why I was killing them… YES MAN, YOU WERE RIGHT… Share this picture to the truth a whole world.”
Choudhury added : “Yes now we could see why #ProtectiveEdge.”'
'Before the partition, before Israel, before the settlements, before the ‘occupation’, before the refugees, before Sharon walked onto Temple Mount, before the ‘wall’, before immigration, before Balfour and before even Zionism itself. In the beginning there was an Arab with a knife and he murdered a Jew, simply because he was a Jew.That's the powerful end of a fascinating article at UK Media Watch.
It is an absurd logic that attempts to blame Zionism for creating violence against Jews when Modern Zionism *only came about* because of relentless violence against Jews; both in Europe and in the Middle East. You cannot place the cart before the horse.
Enough with the excuses.'
'Strip away the euphemisms, pick apart the talk of a "knife intifada", and there's no escaping the fact — the horrific fact — that some Westerners are defending the stabbing to death of people for being Jewish.'
"Al-Aqsa is ours, the Holy Sepulcher is also ours. They have no right to dirty the mosque with their filthy feet, we won't let them do it."
'MSNBC has admitted that highly controversial graphics aired on the network that depicted Israel as stealing land from the Palestinians were “factually wrong” and that the broadcast would be corrected on Monday, according to a network spokesperson.'
"... even if the status quo (re Al Aqsa) has been broken, which in reality is false... Even if the status quo in the Temple Mount has been broken, does that allow someone to go and murder someone else because of a scared place? Or because of religion or because a Jew went there to pray in the house of God? .... That allows for children to go out and murder innocent people? What women puts on a hijab and prays to God, takes a knife out and tries to stab innocent people?"
'Former Chairman of the BBC, Lord Grade of Yarmouth CBE, has expressed concern about the BBC's coverage of the recent violence in Israel and the West Bank, in a letter to the organisations' Director of News and Current Affairs, James Harding.In his complaint, Lord Grade said that the BBC coverage was at times misleading and failed to provide a wider context of what is an "undoubtedly complex issue".Lord Grade criticised the BBC's inability "to fulfil its obligation to viewers" by not showing viewers examples of Palestinian Authority officials praising the attacks and calling for more. The former BBC Chairman underlined that Palestinian incitement, "has played an undeniable part in stoking tension recently and is an important part of the story".The complaint was directed at a report by Orla Guerin on Sunday October 11th, about the recent wave of attacks across Israel.Lord Grade criticised the report's apparent promotion of "equivalence between Israeli victims of terrorism and Palestinians who have been killed by Israeli security forces in the act of carrying out terror attacks".He highlighted that: "An emotional interview is conducted with the father of a dead Palestinian youth who had been killed committing a fatal terror attack. However, the report failed to show the emotional distress caused to Israelis by any of these recent attacks. This is inexcusable".Islamic
Lord Grade continued: "Additionally, it was improper of the correspondent to claim that "there's no sign of involvement by militant groups", before immediately showing footage of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) banners at the home of a 19 year-old terrorist who carried out a deadly knife attack at Lions Gate in Jerusalem on 3rd October. PIJ is a well-known Palestinian terror organisation and it has since claimed responsibility for the attack and praised by Hamas, another internationally proscribed terror organisation. This directly misleads viewers".'
'In 2002, Guerin claimed she had been targeted by Israeli soldiers who, she said, deliberately shot at her during a demonstration in Bethlehem. A year later Israel boycotted the BBC after accusing her of "deep-seated bias" in her reports. Then, in 2006, during the war in Lebanon she was accused of misreporting when she claimed a town near the Israel border had been "wiped out" by Israeli forces. "I haven't seen a single building that isn't damaged in some way," she said.But Alex Thomson, filing for Channel 4 from the same town, Bint Jbeil, on the same day, presented a different perspective. He reported that the suburbs of the town "are pretty much untouched by the Israeli attack".'
'The story began in 1898, when a wine import and marketing company was opened in London by the Rishon Lezion & Zichron Ya'acov Wine Cellars. Their British subsidiary initially traded as The Palestine Wine & Trading Co. Then the word "Palestine" was the term used for local enterprises. There were some other notable examples. The Anglo-Palestine Bank was founded and later renamed Bank Leumi, and the quality newspaper for English speakers The Palestine Post was later renamed The Jerusalem Post.The Palestine Wine Company started marketing wines with the name Palwin, which was an abbreviation for "Palestine wine." Palwin was the first brand sold in export markets by the Israeli wine industry and is arguably the oldest wine brand still in existence in the kosher wine world....Upon the establishment of the State of Israel, the company name was changed from Palestine Wine to the Carmel Wine Co., and the name Palwin became specifically associated with a brand of kiddush wine rather than the full portfolio.'
'Seven Israelis have been killed and dozens wounded.I think that the BBC are trying to push the 'disproportionate' narrative again.
At least 30 Palestinians, including several of the attackers, have been killed in recent violence.'
'... On Sunday, 11 October, correspondent Orla Guerin produced an extraordinary report on the recent wave of attacks that claimed "there's no sign of involvement by militant groups", before immediately showing footage of Palestinian Islamic Jihad banners at the home of a 19-year-old terrorist who carried out a deadly knife attack at Lions Gate in Jerusalem on 3 October.'
'... what we are seeing is not about religious rights or land. It is about the same old issue. This is the issue that people least want to discuss but which most needs to be discussed. The excuse may change with the passing years. But the reality is that, be it 1921, 1929, 1936 or 2015, Jews are being murdered simply for being Jews.'
'The militant Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, which dominates the Gaza Strip, praised the "heroic operations in Jerusalem and greets the heroes who carried them out".'
'PLO Executive Committee member Mahmoud Ismail, said that the killing of Naama and Eitam Henkin in their car in front of their four children was not merely legal but was fulfilling Palestinian "national duty." [Official PA TV, Oct. 6, 2015]'
On tonight's News At Ten, Orla Guerin presented a report on the situation in Israel. During this report she said that Jerusalem's Al Aqsa mosque was sacred to both Muslims and Jews. This is factually incorect and offensive to Jews.
The Al Aqsa mosque is built on top of the site where the Jewish Temples stood before being destroyed. The site is the holiest site in Judaism but the Al Aqsa mosque itself is not sacred to Jews, it is rather is a symbol of Islamic invasion and dominance over Judaism right in the heart of the Jewish capital.
Jews are not allowed to pray on their holiest site. Israeli police stop them from doing so and Muslim Arab women are paid to spew abuse at Jews who try to visit the site, not enter the mosque just visit the Temple Mount,
Was Orla Guerin's statement the result of ignorance, in which case she should learn about the history of the region before reporting on it again, or was it just symptomatic of the BBC's anti-Israel bias?
'The Hague, Netherlands, October 7 - The International Criminal Court formalized today what many analysts have long assumed to be accepted International Law, ruling that the stabbing of Jews is a legitimate and legal act when undertaken to express political, social, economic, philosophical, religious, ethnic, or personal grievances.'
'The Bradford-based Human Relief Foundation has been running a project to help the 'refugees' at the makeshift camp and previously claimed they were all 'fleeing war and significant atrocities.'But a visit by a team led by Kassim Tokan, the HRF deputy chief executive, discovered a totally different picture on the ground, with unwanted clothing and food being 'dumped and burnt' by the migrants.The organisation had been running a project to help the 'refugees' at the makeshift camp and previously claimed they were all 'fleeing war and significant atrocitiesInstead of vulnerable families fighting for survival he found the camp – dubbed the Jungle – was '95 to 97 per cent' adult men.'
"After my election I have more flexibility"
'John Whittingdale, the UK culture secretary, has confirmed that the BBC will be stripped of its power to adjudicate on allegations of political bias in its coverage.Speaking at the Conservative party conference in Manchester, he said the public should have confidence that complaints are examined independently and carefully. He said it must no longer be the case "that if you make a complaint against the BBC, the decision on whether it is justified is taken by the BBC".'
'Net migration rose by 50% to 318,000 last year - with sharp increases from inside and outside the EU.A total of 641,000 people moved to the UK in 2014, according to the Office for National Statistics.'
'... A man who sups with the devil but claims no one told him that the horned, red-skinned man at the table was, in fact, the actual devil.'... Corbyn had addressed a party conference meeting of Labour Friends of Israel last week without once actually saying the name of the country.She listed a series of 'conspiracy theorists' Corbyn had met with, including 'the Rev Stephen Sizer and the anti-Semites Paul Eisen and Gilad Atzmon.'Mrs Lipman then added: 'I would be grateful for any evidence that he has ever objected to the anti-Semitic rantings of these "colleagues" or stated his own belief in the legitimacy of the Jewish state.'If he is not anti-Semitic himself then he is more than happy to consort with those who are.''
'Migration cannot be ended as long as there is kufr (unbelief) or as long as there is an enemy that resists" [2]Later Muhammad developed this idea, saying:"Migration will continue until the sun rises from the West. Hijrah would not be stopped until repentance is cut off, and repentance will not be cut off until the sun rises from the West"[3]
So immigration can end only when a community or a country has been won over, and the conquest has been achieved. But Jihad does not end until all the world is Islamic, and Muslims should not stop until Islam dominates the world. '
'Tensions have been particularly high in recent weeks over the long-running issue of access to the al-Aqsa mosque compound in East Jerusalem.Al-Aqsa is one of Islam's holiest sites and is in the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif site also revered by Jews.'
'Tony Blair's Labour government made a mistake in promoting diesel cars as they are now "killing people", former science minister Lord Drayson has said.'
'In 2001, the then Chancellor Gordon Brown introduced lower vehicle tax for diesel cars, on the grounds that they were less polluting.'
'That tax break remains in place today.'