
Monday 12 April 2010

Labour minister Sadiq Khan in another expenses row

The Telegraph report that:
'Senior Labour minister Sadiq Khan has been accused of abusing House of Commons expenses to support his election campaign.

Days before the dissolution of Parliament for the election, Mr Khan, a transport minister, used Commons stationary and pre-paid envelopes to write to hundreds of voters in his marginal seat lauding his own record.

The Conservatives will on Monday make a formal complaint to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards about Mr Khan, the MP for Tooting in south London.'
This is of course the same Sadiq Khan who had recent problems over some rather peculiar printing receipts.

Back in March the BBC ignored this story of Labour malpractice and I unsurprised to note that they are ignoring this story as well. Sadiq Khan is quite clearly untouchable so far as the BBC are concerned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think your comments are spot on. I'm tired of the sleaze. You need to put your voice out more so more can know the type of person the Tooting MP is. Anything I can do to help? I am in his constituency.