
Thursday 8 April 2010

A reminder of the BBC's shameless bias at during the 2005 general election

Riehl World View reminds me of this from 2005:
'The BBC is under fire for controversial actions that blur the lines between state sponsored allegedly free media and political speech after it equipped hecklers at a campaign rally for Conservative leader Michael Howard with microphones to repeatedly yell charges which included, "Michael Howard is a liar", "You can't trust the Tories" and "You can only trust Tony Blair".

While the BCC claims this was part of a documentary on political heckling and events of other parties events were also attended, the Telegraph has determined that no events for Liberal Tony Blair have been infiltrated or disrupted.

A spokesman for the BBC has attempted to minimize the controversial event and BBC camera crews were seen focused on the hecklers, causing conservatives to charge the BBC with manufacturing negative news as regards the Conservative Party.

The spokesman was unable to provide details of any other campaign meetings attended by the BBC3 crew. He said that the hecklers had not been paid a fee, but could not say whether they had received expenses.'
Keep an eye on the BBC this general election.

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