I am not a sheep, I have my own mind
I have had enough of being told what and how to think
Whilst we are still allowed the remnants of free speech, I will speak out.
I also reserve the right to discuss less controversial matters should I feel the urge.
More Palestinian anti-Semitism that the MSM will not cover
Jordanian 'scholar, Arafat Hijazi on Palestinian Authority TV (10 October) explaining how Jews' money lending "Shylock" behavior caused Antisemitism
Note the lies from the start: "150 years ago, when there were no jews in Palestine, the Jews were in Europe, Eastern Europe" - That's odd I thought almost half a million Jews were expelled form Muslim Middle Esater countries in or soon after 1948, in the great expulsion that the MSM refuse to mention as it would spoil their narrative in which only the Palestinians suffered in 1948. How many Jews were living in 'Palestine' in 1948? I believe the figure was around 806,000.
"but the Jews suffered from persecution by the European nations." - True: pogroms, rampant anti-Semitism and the rise of the Nazis make it hard to think of Europe as jew friendly in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
"The reason was that they would harm the people of the lands in which they lived." - Ah the old it's the Jews fault line. A line that many still use today, inclusing many useful idiots amongst the Jews.
"They had a problem: wherever they went they were expelled and were imprisoned" - Not sure how one can be expelled and imprisoned so maybe substitute an 'or' for the 'and'.
Another Jordanian 'scholar, Muhammad Dohal: "The Jews are hated in every society in which they have lived, because of their behavior relating to their great love of money." - You cannot beat a good stereotype and here it is, used a means of showing that the persecution of the Jews is their fault.
"Their behavior led to Shakespeare's famous story, the story of Shylock which clings to the Jews." - Indeed it does but is that the fault of the Jews or that anti-Semitism was so prevalent in Elizabethan England?
"This is how they harmed the societies that embraced them" - Hold on, I thought he said that "The Jews are hated in every society in which they have lived". Were the Jews "hated" or "embraced"? Not very consistent for a 'scholar' is he?
Thanks to Palestinian Media Watch for the video and translation and Israelly Cool for the spot. No thankd to the MSM for not picking up on any of these videos.
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