
Tuesday 2 November 2010

Why is Israel being a Jewish state 'racist?

Why is Israel called racist for wanting to be a Jewish state and vilified for trying to get the Palestinians to agree to this in the latest talks? I only wonder because the draft constitution of the planned Palestinian state includes the following:
"This constitution is based on the will of Palestinian-Arab people" (Article 1)
"the Palestinian people are a part of the Arab and Islamic nation" (Article 2) "sovereignty belongs to the Palestinian Arab people" (Article 10)
"the legal character of the Arab-Palestinian people will be embodied by the state" (Article 13)
"Islam will be the official religion of the state" (Article 6)'
I wonder if the BBC will cover this aspect of the story... No I don't really, I know that they won't.

Thanks to Daily Alert for the spot.

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