How far we've come in 32 years... From no pictures in 1981 to what seems like pretty much just pictures of semi naked women in the Daily Mail today.
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
News report from 1981 about getting your newspaper on your home computer
How far we've come in 32 years... From no pictures in 1981 to what seems like pretty much just pictures of semi naked women in the Daily Mail today.
Israel Matzav: It starts: 'Palestinian' terrorists shoot rocket at western Negev
The peace talks between Israel and terrorists who want to destroy Israel and kill all Jews start, Israel releases a hundred terrorists as a (misguided) show of good faith, the Palestinians respond with a rocket. I presume that the BBC will be all over this....
More here at Israel Matzav but defintely not on the anti-Israel BBC.
More here at Israel Matzav but defintely not on the anti-Israel BBC.
Stafford Hospital nurses guilty of misconduct over diabetes death
The NHS is the envy of the world?
Original article here
More deaths everywhere?
The NHS is the envy of the world?
' Two nurses who failed to spot a patient who died at Stafford Hospital was diabetic have been found guilty of misconduct.
On Monday the Nursing and Midwifery Council panel found Ann King and Jeannette Coulson had failed to look at or update Gillian Astbury's records.
They also failed to carry out blood tests.
Ms Astbury, 66, died in April 2007 at the hospital after after she was not given insulin.
The panel is now deciding what sanctions to take against the two nurses, who have both since retired from the Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust.
King was also found to have lied about having changing patients' dressings and giving them medication, while Coulson admitted swearing at staff.
Both have expressed regret for their actions and said they had learnt lessons.
However, the panel said the nurses' ability to practise had been impaired.
Sanctions that can be imposed against the nurses include striking them off the medical register.'
Original article here
More deaths everywhere?
The unelected Cathy Ashton
The BBC report that:
It really gets my goat, pun intended, when the BBC in this linked report tell us that:
'The EU's foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, who met with Egypt's former president Mohammed Morsi, has been speaking to the BBC.Any common ground between Mohammed Morsi and Cathy Ashton? Let's see, Mohammed Morsi was elected and then deposed whilst Cathy Ashton has never been elected but with a little luck will also be deposed.
Baroness Ashton is the first foreign diplomat to meet with the former President since he was ousted from power in early July.
The BBC's Jim Muir asked the Baroness if she shared any common ground with Mr Morsi: "There has to be a way of getting to the other side," she said.
It really gets my goat, pun intended, when the BBC in this linked report tell us that:
The unelected and unaccountable Lady Ashton, did she maybe lecture Mohammed Morsi on the benefits of democracy? From a purely theoretical point of view of course.'EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton says Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi is "well", but that she does not know where he is being held.Baroness Ashton said she had two hours of "frank, in-depth" discussions with Mr Morsi on Monday, without giving further details of the conversation.'
What's a 'settlement'?
Monday, 29 July 2013
Israel Matzav: What a 'Palestinian negotiator's Facebook page says about the chances for peace
If Dr. Mohammed Shtayyeh, one of the two 'negotiators' representing 'Moderate' 'Palestinian' President Abbas doesn't want a two state solution why should Israel take negotiations seriously?
More here
Definitely not more on the BBC who are so anti-Israel it's not even disputable.
More here
Definitely not more on the BBC who are so anti-Israel it's not even disputable.
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Saudi women with attractive eyes may be forced to cover them up, if resolution is passed
Just when you thought that the Saudi Arabian government's oppression of women couldn't get any more extreme...
More here in The Mail
I look forward to seeing the human rights protesters who scream abuse at the only country in the Middle East where women have the same rights as men, Israel, doing the same to possibly the most oppressively anti woman country in the world, Saudi Arabia. Of course they won't because they aren't really interested in women's rights, as much as the delegitimization of Israel.
'Women with attractive eyes may be forced to cover them up under Saudi Arabia's latest repressive measure, it was reported yesterday.
The ultra-conservative Islamic state has said it has the right to stop women revealing 'tempting' eyes in public.
Women in Saudi Arabia already have to wear a long black cloak, called an abaya, cover their hair and, in some regions, conceal their faces while in public.
If they do not, they face punishments including fines and public floggings.
One report on the Bikya Masr news website suggested the proposal was made after a member of the committee was attracted by a woman's eyes as he walked along a street, provoking a fight.'
More here in The Mail
I look forward to seeing the human rights protesters who scream abuse at the only country in the Middle East where women have the same rights as men, Israel, doing the same to possibly the most oppressively anti woman country in the world, Saudi Arabia. Of course they won't because they aren't really interested in women's rights, as much as the delegitimization of Israel.
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Stones and eggs hurled at Hasidic Jewish boys in sickening attack in Sheerness
'Stones have been thrown at a coach carrying Jewish boys before they were egged in a sickening attack in Sheerness.
Witnesses saw around seven teenage boys and girls hurling missiles at the vehicle and shouting "go back to where you came from". Moments later, the group of 10 to 14-year-olds were set upon again with eggs.'
If this had been an attack on Muslim schoolchildren then I am sure the BBC news would be reporting this with all due seriousness. However as it's religious Jewish children, I doubt the story will make it onto the BBC.
More here
Woman died after Muslim nurse refused to help as he was praying from the Telegraph
'An elderly woman was left on the floor at a care home for up to ten minutes because a nurse was praying, an inquest heard.
Alzheimer's sufferer Dorothy Griffiths, 87, was found sitting down after staff heard a bang and a carer went to the office for help to lift her.
But agency nurse Abdul Bhutto, who was in charge, said they would have to wait.
Carer Zoe Shaw told the Sheffield hearing: "It took between five and ten minutes because he was praying upstairs in the office on his prayer mat. A staff member told me we had to wait for him to finish."'
More here
Is this a case of a nurse who'd rather pray than help the sick or a carer who was too in thrall to political correctness to interrupt a Muslim at prayer? Either way, it stinks.
'...forgotten pop classics' FORGOTTEN!
I have long detested The Independent newspaper for it's 'right-on' stance, it's anti-Israel outlook and its supposed championing of individuality when it's so often read by identikit left-wing faux intellectuals of the worst and sheepiest kind. However today they have gone too far.
This article about Alan Partridge's new film 'Alpha Papa' is headlined 'A-ha! Alan Partridge movie Alpha Papa gives airtime to forgotten pop classics'.
Here's the film's tracklisting:
Mrs NotaSheep listened to Hot Chocolate's 'It atarted with a kiss' this morning, before I knew it was in Alpha Papa.
Barely a day goes by without me singing or listening to 'Enola Gay' or 'Number 1 Song In Heaven'.
Wichita Lineman is a regular listen, albeit usually the Glenn Gregory version.
Mrs NotaSheep is fond of breaking into 'Don't You Want Me', indeed she did so this morning.
Mrs NotaSheep will often break into a magnificent impression of Shirley Bassey singing Goldfinger if that film is on television which it is regularly at the moment on Sky Film 007.
And as for the Police's Roxanne, forgotten? Please... I think not.
So here's some of this 'forgotten' music
Police - Roxanne
Shirley Bassey - Goldfinger (This is of course a 1964 track not an early 1980s one)
Human League - Don't You Want Me?
Glen Gregory - Wichita Lineman
Hot Chocolate - It Started With A Kiss
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Enola Gay
Sparks - Number One Song In Heaven
And because I love this version as much, if not more than the original, here's Sparks - Number One Song In Heaven (12" version)
And because this version has it's own special ethereal quality, the Plagiarism album version of Number One Song In Heaven (part 1) including Jimmy Somerville
And the Plagiarism album version of Number One Song In Heaven (part 2)
If you want to hear some more Sparks, and why wouldn't you? Then I recommend following this link to my previous Sparks postings.
So 'forgotten'? I think not!
This article about Alan Partridge's new film 'Alpha Papa' is headlined 'A-ha! Alan Partridge movie Alpha Papa gives airtime to forgotten pop classics'.
'The soundtrack to Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa, which receives its world premiere in Norwich on Wednesday, will deliver an unexpected sales boost to a collection of one-hit wonders, 70s novelty hits and soft rock obscurities hand-picked by the spoof DJ, created by Steve Coogan.'
Here's the film's tracklisting:
Philip Glass – KoyaanisquatsiForgotten pop classics?
The Police - Roxanne
Roachford - Cuddly Toy
Climax Blues Band – Couldn’t Get it Right
Chicago - Hard to Say I’m sorry
Calvin Harris (Feat. Kelis) - Bounce
Jakob Liedholm - Swede Love
Andy Fairweather Low - Wide Eyed And Legless
Sam Fonteyn - Pop Looks Bach (Theme from Ski Sunday)
Glen Campbell - Wichita Lineman
The Outlaws - Swingin’ Low
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Enola Gay
Bryan Ferry – Let’s Stick Together
John Farnham - You're The Voice
Sparks - Number 1 Song In Heaven
Steeleye Span - Gaudete
The Human League - Don’t You Want Me
Shirley Bassey – Goldfinger
Carly Simon - Nobody Does It Better
Hot Chocolate - It Started With a Kiss
Andrew Gold - Never Let Her Slip Away
Denis King & the South Bank Orchestra - Galloping Home (The New Adventures of Black Beauty)
Mrs NotaSheep listened to Hot Chocolate's 'It atarted with a kiss' this morning, before I knew it was in Alpha Papa.
Barely a day goes by without me singing or listening to 'Enola Gay' or 'Number 1 Song In Heaven'.
Wichita Lineman is a regular listen, albeit usually the Glenn Gregory version.
Mrs NotaSheep is fond of breaking into 'Don't You Want Me', indeed she did so this morning.
Mrs NotaSheep will often break into a magnificent impression of Shirley Bassey singing Goldfinger if that film is on television which it is regularly at the moment on Sky Film 007.
And as for the Police's Roxanne, forgotten? Please... I think not.
So here's some of this 'forgotten' music
Police - Roxanne
Shirley Bassey - Goldfinger (This is of course a 1964 track not an early 1980s one)
Human League - Don't You Want Me?
Glen Gregory - Wichita Lineman
Hot Chocolate - It Started With A Kiss
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Enola Gay
Sparks - Number One Song In Heaven
And because I love this version as much, if not more than the original, here's Sparks - Number One Song In Heaven (12" version)
And because this version has it's own special ethereal quality, the Plagiarism album version of Number One Song In Heaven (part 1) including Jimmy Somerville
And the Plagiarism album version of Number One Song In Heaven (part 2)
If you want to hear some more Sparks, and why wouldn't you? Then I recommend following this link to my previous Sparks postings.
So 'forgotten'? I think not!
Russian phone thief messes with the wrong woman
This Russian thief picked on the wrong woman when he tried to steal her mobile phone...
Friday, 26 July 2013
"Just let me staple the vicar...", "Everytime I think of it I piss myself" and other misheard lyrics
Peter Kay with plenty of misheard lyrics.
Somersby Cider take-off Apple Stores (full version)
I'd not seen the full version of the new Somersby Coder advert until I found this
Great spoofing...
Great spoofing...
The EDL's leader Tommy Robinson speaking at a rally in Birmingham recently
Tommy Robinson speaks pretty well and is clearly far more intelligent than the BBC portray him. His picking up of Nick Clegg's misinformation is well presented.
Whatever your preconceptions of Tommy Robinson and the English Defence League, listen to this speech.
Tommy Robinson says that he spent his time in prison learning about the Koran: he explains abrogation, something that the BBC seem incapable of discussing because it destroys their argument that Islam is a religion of peace. The passages about the Koran instructing Muslims not to take Christians and Jews and their friends is something else that the BBC ignores as it runs counter their narrative.
The problem that I have with the EDL is that some people at this and other EDL demonstration do not seem quite as intelligent or in control as Tommy Robinson and that worries me.
Samsung vs Apple in Iceland with Ninjas and a goat
Samsung's latest advert for its Galaxy S4 smartphone makes much of it's support for the Icelandic language. You see an iPhone attempt to swipe a touchscreen and make a call on an actual apple. In case your Icelandic is poor, the text tells Icelandic viewers to use "the phone that understands you." Now enters the Samsung Galaxy S4. The ad's main character, now converted from iPhone to Samsung Galaxy, decides to dance with some ninjas and a goat before taking a bite from an apple.
All very odd.
Thursday, 25 July 2013
BBC News - Tomato excuse for prostitute in car in Dudley
'A man caught with a prostitute in his car told police she was there to show him where to buy tomatoes.'More here
Tomatoes is funny but funnier would be; turnips (think Baldrick) or cucumber. Obviously funniest of all would be PLUMS...
Reality not fiction
Do you remember the Tell Mama claims over Islamophobia, claims that were found to be lacking in veracity. The linked article is to the CST report for June. It shows a reduction in anti Semitic attacks in the UK but there are still far too many. What are the chances of the BBC reporting the reality of anti Semitism in the UK?
Report here
Report here
Harry's Place » 800,000 missing Jews: Guardian ‘refugee’ history includes glaring omission.
The Guardian like it's broadcast partner the BBC is so anti Israel that facts are forgotten in the need to blacken Israel's name.
The refugee story of Israel and the Palestinians in 1948 is just one example.
More here
The refugee story of Israel and the Palestinians in 1948 is just one example.
More here
Israel accused of gassing Palestinian refugee camp
Evil, evil, evil. I await the wall to wall media coverage, the United Nations condemnation, the screaming protests outside the Israeli embassy & general opprobrium.
Sorry, my mistake, it was Syria not Israel. Expect no media coverage, no United Nations interest & protests. Nothing to see, Jews can't be blamed.
More here
Sorry, my mistake, it was Syria not Israel. Expect no media coverage, no United Nations interest & protests. Nothing to see, Jews can't be blamed.
More here
63 isn't that old for a drummer
This video of the 'grandma drummer' 63-year-old Mary Hvizda has been doing the rounds, it's quite impressive
But what about Charlie Watts? The Rolling Stones' drummer recently celebrated his 72nd birthday., here's some Charlie...
But what about Charlie Watts? The Rolling Stones' drummer recently celebrated his 72nd birthday., here's some Charlie...
"We hunted the dildo into distinction"
Was this CNN anchor thinking of something other than a large flightless bird?
Iranian family fakes Israeli passports to immigrate to Canada
Interesting that Iranian family would use a passport from a country that their leadership want to wipe off the map.
Story here,7340,L-4409587,00.html
Story here,7340,L-4409587,00.html
The BBC's Nick Robinson spreading misinformation again
In this piece about the latest GDP figures Nick Robinson does his best to talk down the recovery, after all a recovery is not a recovery unless Labour say it is. But more concerning is the misinformation he spreads with this line:
On consulting with a bigger Trekkie than me, I am informed that the line "No life as we know it" was used in the episode The Devil in the Dark. But that's still not quite what Nick Robinson claimed. It looks to me like another factual failure by Nick 'toenails' Robinson.
In the meantime here's The Firm with Star Trekkin'
'Today's figures tell a simple story. This is growth but - as they used to say on Star Trek - not as we know it.'I presume that Nick Robinson is grasping for the line "It's life, Jim, but not as we know it.". However this, to the best of my knowledge, was never said in the original Star Trek series.
On consulting with a bigger Trekkie than me, I am informed that the line "No life as we know it" was used in the episode The Devil in the Dark. But that's still not quite what Nick Robinson claimed. It looks to me like another factual failure by Nick 'toenails' Robinson.
In the meantime here's The Firm with Star Trekkin'
Celebrating Ramadan with a little Jew-hatred
I have read several articles in the run up to and during the start of Ramadan telling of the ways that normal Muslim families relax in the evenings after a hard day fasting. The BBC have been big on family meals and even British Airways' HighLife magazine managed a puff piece on Egyptian Ramadan soap operas. What none of the mainstream media has yet mentioned is the TV series Khaybar.
This year many Arab TV satellite channels are airing a series called Khaybar, referring to the Muslim massacre of the Jews of the town of that name in northwestern Arabia in 628 CE. After the attack, some Muslims, including Muhammad, took surviving women as wives. The Muslim conquerors charged the Jews a 50 percent tax on their crops and in 637, after Muhammad’s death, the Caliph Omar expelled the remaining Jews from Khaybar.
Does the name Khaybar ring a bell? It should, it's featured on this blog before. In Islamic tradition, the chant “Khaybar Khaybar, ya yahud, Jaish Muhammad, sa yahud,” which means, “Jews, remember Khaybar, the army of Muhammad is returning,” is used as a battle cry when attacking Jews or Israelis. It was chanted on the Mavi Marmara Gaza flotilla ship in May 2010.
This new Khaybar retelling deals with the relationship between the Jews and the Arab tribes of Medina as well as between the Jews of Medina and Khaybar. One Arab media outlet described the film as demonstrating the Jews’ “hostility toward others, their treacherous nature, and their repeated betrayals.”
The plot deals with Jews asking Miqdad, an Arab warrior, to fight for them; he refuses to kill women and children and is sent to prison. Another episode, based on Islamic tradition, involves a Jewish woman whose father and brother were killed by Muslims and who tries to get revenge by attempting to poison the prophet.
The film was produced by Echo Media, a Qatari company and has or will air on channels such as Dubai TV, Dream TV (Egypt), Al-Iraqiyya TV, Algerian Channel 3, Atlas TV (Algeria), Qatar TV and UAE TV.
The actors in this serial know what it is about. Sameh al-Sereity, one of the main actors in the show, plays Muhammad ibn Maslamah, the bodyguard of the prophet Muhammad and he told an Egyptian newspaper the show portrays the evolution of Jews’ hatred of others.
So why have the BBC not been outraged by this, or previous, vile pieces of Ramadan television? Does their Middle East team not know about it? In which case they are clearly incompetent. Does their Middle East team know about it but consider it uninteresting or irrelevant? Does their Middle East team maybe consider this programme to be fair comment?
Anti-Semitism is rife and accepted as normal, indeed correct, in most of the Middle East and indeed the wider Muslim world. However to point this out in the west is considered Islamophobic. It's a sick, sick, world.
This year many Arab TV satellite channels are airing a series called Khaybar, referring to the Muslim massacre of the Jews of the town of that name in northwestern Arabia in 628 CE. After the attack, some Muslims, including Muhammad, took surviving women as wives. The Muslim conquerors charged the Jews a 50 percent tax on their crops and in 637, after Muhammad’s death, the Caliph Omar expelled the remaining Jews from Khaybar.
Does the name Khaybar ring a bell? It should, it's featured on this blog before. In Islamic tradition, the chant “Khaybar Khaybar, ya yahud, Jaish Muhammad, sa yahud,” which means, “Jews, remember Khaybar, the army of Muhammad is returning,” is used as a battle cry when attacking Jews or Israelis. It was chanted on the Mavi Marmara Gaza flotilla ship in May 2010.
This new Khaybar retelling deals with the relationship between the Jews and the Arab tribes of Medina as well as between the Jews of Medina and Khaybar. One Arab media outlet described the film as demonstrating the Jews’ “hostility toward others, their treacherous nature, and their repeated betrayals.”
The plot deals with Jews asking Miqdad, an Arab warrior, to fight for them; he refuses to kill women and children and is sent to prison. Another episode, based on Islamic tradition, involves a Jewish woman whose father and brother were killed by Muslims and who tries to get revenge by attempting to poison the prophet.
The film was produced by Echo Media, a Qatari company and has or will air on channels such as Dubai TV, Dream TV (Egypt), Al-Iraqiyya TV, Algerian Channel 3, Atlas TV (Algeria), Qatar TV and UAE TV.
The actors in this serial know what it is about. Sameh al-Sereity, one of the main actors in the show, plays Muhammad ibn Maslamah, the bodyguard of the prophet Muhammad and he told an Egyptian newspaper the show portrays the evolution of Jews’ hatred of others.
“The hostility between us and the Jews still exists. The hatred is ingrained. Neither Egyptians nor Arabs need this show to justify their hatred of Zionism. The existing struggles between us provide the simplest proof of this,”Another actor, Ahmad Abd al-Halim, said:
“I play one of the Jewish characters, who demonstrates the behavior of the Jewish human being. All he thinks about is accumulating money.”The show’s screenwriter, Yusri al-Gindi, said in an interview with Al Jazeera about the series:
“The Jews are the Jews. They still act according to their nature, despite the passing generations. They corrupt any society in which they live, and therefore no regime can protect them with any contract or agreement.Here's some video of the actors and others associated with the series discussing the Jews.
The crisis in the Arab world offers the best proof of this, and this is where the show gets its current relevance.”
Ramadan specials like Khaibar are designed to
remind large numbers of Arab viewers, every day for a month, that their
Jewish neighbours are plotting their destruction. In 2005 a Lebanese TV series titled The Diaspora Arabs
featured a scene in which Jews slaughtered a Christian child for their
secret matzah ingredient, the blood of Christians - the blood libel that I have blogged about before as living on in many Muslim majority countries.
Ramadan is supposed to give observant Muslims a month
of spiritual reflection, self-restraint, and an opportunity to give to charity. Yet too often Ramadan also offers
another dose of unchallenged hatred of Jews. These planted seeds of Jewish hatred are bearing the fruit of anti-Semitism, anti-Semitism that is all too often the main expression of Muslim identity in the 21st century.
So why have the BBC not been outraged by this, or previous, vile pieces of Ramadan television? Does their Middle East team not know about it? In which case they are clearly incompetent. Does their Middle East team know about it but consider it uninteresting or irrelevant? Does their Middle East team maybe consider this programme to be fair comment?
Anti-Semitism is rife and accepted as normal, indeed correct, in most of the Middle East and indeed the wider Muslim world. However to point this out in the west is considered Islamophobic. It's a sick, sick, world.
It's still on...
The Royal Baby has been named George Alexander Louis which means that it's still on. Our next three Kings, unless one or more does a regnal name change, will be Charles III, William V and George VII. If we can somehow ensure Baby George's first-born is a boy and is named Henry then he will be Henry IX.
III, IV, VII, IX = 3, 5, 7, 9
Could that be more mathematically pleasing?
Yes I am a little odd, as are the above numbers.
The sequence will end at 9 as Henry and Edward are the only Kings of the United Kingdom to reach eight so far.
III, IV, VII, IX = 3, 5, 7, 9
Could that be more mathematically pleasing?
Yes I am a little odd, as are the above numbers.
The sequence will end at 9 as Henry and Edward are the only Kings of the United Kingdom to reach eight so far.
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Remember When Obama Said Detroit Was Coming Back?
Barack Obama speaking in and about Detroit in 2011:
Wrong again Barack.
More here
"This is a city that's been to heck and back," Obama said. "And while there are still a lot of challenges here, I see a city that's coming back."
Wrong again Barack.
More here
Photos of home
The above image was taken by the Cassini probe orbiting Saturn. The Earth is the blue dot below the last of Saturn's visible rings.
The following image is even more humbling...
This image was taken by Voyager 1 in 1996 and shows the Earth as a tiny blue dot in the right most band of colour.
NASA explains:
The following image is even more humbling...
This image was taken by Voyager 1 in 1996 and shows the Earth as a tiny blue dot in the right most band of colour.
NASA explains:
'This narrow-angle color image of the Earth, dubbed 'Pale Blue Dot', is a part of the first ever 'portrait' of the solar system taken by Voyager 1. The spacecraft acquired a total of 60 frames for a mosaic of the solar system from a distance of more than 4 billion miles from Earth and about 32 degrees above the ecliptic. From Voyager's great distance Earth is a mere point of light, less than the size of a picture element even in the narrow-angle camera. Earth was a crescent only 0.12 pixel in size. Coincidentally, Earth lies right in the center of one of the scattered light rays resulting from taking the image so close to the sun. This blown-up image of the Earth was taken through three color filters -- violet, blue and green -- and recombined to produce the color image. The background features in the image are artifacts resulting from the magnification.'
The apartheid state of Israel again...
'Guess who graduated first in this year's medical school class at the Technion, Israel's version of M.I.T.? The answer will surprise you. It's a 27-year-old stereotype-buster: a charming, feminist, smart, open-minded and observant Islamic woman named Mais Ali-Saleh who grew up in a small village outside of Nazareth, in Israel's Galilee.
Ali-Selah's academic excellence not only marks her own personal achievement but also proves that contrary to propaganda spouted by proponents of the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) Movement -- whose latest convert is Stephen Hawking -- an academic boycott of Israel is the wrong approach to solving the Israel-Arab conflict. Moreover, it ultimately hurts the very people it claims to help. Ali-Selah put it best when she said, "An academic boycott of Israel is a passive move, and it doesn't achieve any of its purported objectives."'
More here but not on the anti_israel at all costs BBC.
Papiss Cisse and his religious sensibilities
When the news broke that Newcastle striker, and occasional member of my fantasy football team two seasons ago, Papass Cisse was refusing to wear his Newcastle FC top if it carried the logo of their main sponsor (the payday loans company), I was not inclined to cover the story. If Papass Cisse has religious principles that he is not prepared to break then that is his concern and if that means that there is an issue over the sponsor's logo on his shirt well then he can refund Wonga 1/11 of their sponsorship, or similar; or alternatively move club. I did get a little fed up of the amount of coverage the story was receiving on BBC 5Live but then it was an opportunity for that station to praise the principles of a Muslim and also attack a loan company at the same time.
However the news then broke that Papass Cisse had been spotted in a casino and that the casino said he was an 'occasional visitor'. I don't know if Papass Cisse bets when he's in the casino but I'm not sure that's relevant, if he won't wear a Wonga shirt because of his Muslim religious principles then visiting a casino should also be out of the question.
However the news then broke that Papass Cisse had been spotted in a casino and that the casino said he was an 'occasional visitor'. I don't know if Papass Cisse bets when he's in the casino but I'm not sure that's relevant, if he won't wear a Wonga shirt because of his Muslim religious principles then visiting a casino should also be out of the question.
PA minister: PA agreements modeled after Muhammad's Hudaybiyyah Peace Treaty
Can we trust the Palestinians re any peace treaty? More news that you won't find reported on the anti-Israel BBC.
Palestinian leaders have been lying for years about wanting peace with Israel, when they have openly stated that they want to destroy Israel and kill all Jews, so why does the above surprise anyone?
More here
Certainly no coverage on the BBC whose anti-Israel bias grows more obvious by the day.
'On the eve of the renewed peace talks with Israel, PA Minister of Religious Affairs Mahmoud Al-Habbash said in his Friday sermon that when PA leaders signed agreements with Israel, they knew how to walk "the right path, which leads to achievement, exactly like the Prophet [Muhammad] did in the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah." Al-Habbash's sermon was delivered in the presence of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and was broadcast on official Palestinian Authority TV.
The Hudaybiyyah peace treaty was a 10-year truce that Muhammad, Islam's Prophet, made with the Quraish Tribe of Mecca. However, two years into the truce, Muhammad attacked and conquered Mecca. The PA Minister of Religious Affairs stressed in his Friday sermon that Muhammad's agreeing to the Hudaybiyyah treaty was not "disobedience" to Allah, but was "politics" and "crisis management." The minister emphasized that in spite of the peace treaty, two years later Muhammad "conquered Mecca." He ended his comparison by expressing the view that the Hudaybiyyah agreement is not just past history, but that "this is the example and this is the model."
Since the signing of the Oslo Accords, there have been senior PA officials who have presented the peace process with Israel as a deceptive tactic that both facilitated the PA's five-year terror campaign against Israel (the Intifada), and which will weaken Israel through territorial compromise that will eventually lead to Israel's destruction. '
Palestinian leaders have been lying for years about wanting peace with Israel, when they have openly stated that they want to destroy Israel and kill all Jews, so why does the above surprise anyone?
More here
Certainly no coverage on the BBC whose anti-Israel bias grows more obvious by the day.
"Occupied Territories": What About Cyprus, Kashmir, Tibet?
The Gatestone Institute wonder why only the 'occupation of Palestinian lands' is a matter for concern. What about Tibet, occupied by China, Northern Cyprus occupied by Turkey and others?
Is the Palestinian issue only deemed so important because it allows attacks on the world's only Jewish state?
Is the Palestinian issue only deemed so important because it allows attacks on the world's only Jewish state?
Compare and contrast
It's a little odd how much energy the BBC are putting into furthering the Lynton Crosby allegations when they just happily just took Tony 'pretty straight guy' Blair's word that Bernie Ecclestone's £1 million donation to the Labour party was in no way linked to tobacco advertising legislation.
Likewise this recent BBC coverage seems somewhat more frenzied than their coverage of the accusations about Peter Mandelson's dealings with aluminium mogul Oleg Deripaska, and his role in setting EU aluminium import policy. In fact the number of Peter Mandelson stories that the BBC decided weren't worth covering were many, even down to the embargo on mentioning his sexual proclivities.
The BBC are the media wing of the Labour party, they angle their news coverage to support the Labour party and attack the Labour party's opponents as much as possible. Can anyone truly doubt this?
Likewise this recent BBC coverage seems somewhat more frenzied than their coverage of the accusations about Peter Mandelson's dealings with aluminium mogul Oleg Deripaska, and his role in setting EU aluminium import policy. In fact the number of Peter Mandelson stories that the BBC decided weren't worth covering were many, even down to the embargo on mentioning his sexual proclivities.
The BBC are the media wing of the Labour party, they angle their news coverage to support the Labour party and attack the Labour party's opponents as much as possible. Can anyone truly doubt this?
Palestinians killed by poison gas in a Palestinian refugee camp
A camp for Palestinian refugees has been bombed by chemical weapons and yet the BBC don't seem interested; why? Are they so in thrall to the 'Jewish lobby'that they won't cover such a story < /sarcasm>?
The answer is more prosaic, the Palestinian refugee camp is in Syria and the Palestinians were killed by Syrian forces. So the BBC's interest is all but nil, I cannot find a reference to this on the BBC Middle East news yet. I think we all know that if a camp in Gaza had been attacked by Israel and just one Palestinian had been killed then that would have been headline news on the BBC who would be interrogating the Israeli Ambassador and giving airtime to the usual haters of Israel. But as this is Arab on Arab killing, shhhhhhh.
'A camp for Palestinian refugees has been bombed by chemical weapons, a Syrian opposition group based in Turkey said.More here
The National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces said Sunday that the Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus had been gassed by regime forces amid heavy fighting. '
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
'... it's a black boy'
The strangest reaction to the news of the birth of 'the Royal Baby... Most odd!
UNWRA fund Camp Jihad
In one part, campers are encouraged to chant:
"With God's help and our own strength we will wage war. And with education and jihad we will return!"
At another point, a camp instructor brands Jews as "wolves."
Ah the peace loving, Israel & Jew hating Palestinians and their similarly minded United Nations supporters.
Thanks to Jihad Watch for the spot.
Time (part 2)
Last night I posted some video of Steve Cram's 1500m world record run from 1985.
I know that I could post any number of Seb Coe or Steve Ovett runs over the same distance or the Mile but instead here's a little remembered race over two miles between Steve Ovett and Henry Rono from 1978...
What a great run but it's scary how old this tape looks...
I know that I could post any number of Seb Coe or Steve Ovett runs over the same distance or the Mile but instead here's a little remembered race over two miles between Steve Ovett and Henry Rono from 1978...
What a great run but it's scary how old this tape looks...
Pornography filters for the UK
I see that David Cameron has decided that he must 'do something' about children accessing porn on the internet and thus he's decided that everybody will be denied access to porn unless they opt to be able to access it.
Hmm, I foresee a few problems:
1. Proxy Servers - Has David Cameron ever heard of proxy servers? These nifty web services allow you to access any website from anywhere, so long as you can access the proxy server. Using the proxy server means that you can surf anything your heart (or other bodily organ) desires and there's nothing that the UK government can do about it.
Yes usage of proxy servers is low in the UK at present, but that's because the UK has no internet censorship. Just watch usage increase as 1 January 2014 nears. But these are difficult to use, I hear you say. Actually they're not but also when people are denied their access to porn, just watch the proxy server setup services spring up...
2. Misclassification - The existing web filters that I have used at work are poor at best. Misclassification is not uncommon and highly annoying when it occurs. A 1% error rate and I've seen much, much higher rates quoted, would mean many million of sites being mistakenly classified as porn and thus inaccessible from the UK. Imagine if your site had once had an image of Michelangelo's David on one page among hundreds on your site, for some web filter vendors that would be enough to brand your whole site as hosting nudity and thus porn. How would you get your site delisted? Could you? What would it cost you? How much business might you lose?
3. The thin end of the wedge - It's restricting access to porn today, in the interests of the children ("Will nobody think of the children"), what next? Bomb making sites? Radical Islamist sites? anti Islamist sites like Jihad Watch, The EDL website? UKIP? Once a government starts down the road of internet censorship, a precedent has been set and subsequent governments will be always tempted to extend the scope of the restrictions. Today there's no internet censorship in the UK, in 20 years we could be like China or one of the highly restrictive Middle Eastern states (not Israel).
4. Publicity - How much would these opt-in lists be worth? How much would The Mail pay for such a list, so that they could check on teachers who have opted in? How much would The Guardian pay to see which Conservative MPs have opted in? I presume that you could think of many, many more such examples.
Pornography filters for the UK, it's coming sometime... but should it and will it work?
Hmm, I foresee a few problems:
1. Proxy Servers - Has David Cameron ever heard of proxy servers? These nifty web services allow you to access any website from anywhere, so long as you can access the proxy server. Using the proxy server means that you can surf anything your heart (or other bodily organ) desires and there's nothing that the UK government can do about it.
Yes usage of proxy servers is low in the UK at present, but that's because the UK has no internet censorship. Just watch usage increase as 1 January 2014 nears. But these are difficult to use, I hear you say. Actually they're not but also when people are denied their access to porn, just watch the proxy server setup services spring up...
2. Misclassification - The existing web filters that I have used at work are poor at best. Misclassification is not uncommon and highly annoying when it occurs. A 1% error rate and I've seen much, much higher rates quoted, would mean many million of sites being mistakenly classified as porn and thus inaccessible from the UK. Imagine if your site had once had an image of Michelangelo's David on one page among hundreds on your site, for some web filter vendors that would be enough to brand your whole site as hosting nudity and thus porn. How would you get your site delisted? Could you? What would it cost you? How much business might you lose?
3. The thin end of the wedge - It's restricting access to porn today, in the interests of the children ("Will nobody think of the children"), what next? Bomb making sites? Radical Islamist sites? anti Islamist sites like Jihad Watch, The EDL website? UKIP? Once a government starts down the road of internet censorship, a precedent has been set and subsequent governments will be always tempted to extend the scope of the restrictions. Today there's no internet censorship in the UK, in 20 years we could be like China or one of the highly restrictive Middle Eastern states (not Israel).
4. Publicity - How much would these opt-in lists be worth? How much would The Mail pay for such a list, so that they could check on teachers who have opted in? How much would The Guardian pay to see which Conservative MPs have opted in? I presume that you could think of many, many more such examples.
Pornography filters for the UK, it's coming sometime... but should it and will it work?
Monday, 22 July 2013
The royal birth, it's a boy so please call it George
NotaSheep MaybeaGoat (@notasheepagoat) tweeted at 8:35 PM on Mon, Jul 22, 2013:
It's a boy so name him George, for the numerics. Next three Kings would be Charles 3, William 5 & George 7. If we could then have a Henry 9
It's a boy so name him George, for the numerics. Next three Kings would be Charles 3, William 5 & George 7. If we could then have a Henry 9
I think we've found the right replacement for Willie Rushton on I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue
Miles Jupp has surely cemented his place in the I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue team rather than that left-wing irritant Jeremy Hardy. Tonight's IT songbook suggestion of 'She's lost Control Alt Delete' was simply inspired. He's got lovely diction too...
Steve Cram's 1500m world record run at Nice in 1985. I remember watching this and I really thought Saïd Aouita was going to catch Steve Cram before the line.
Mo Farah bettering Steve Cram's time in Monaco, with Steve Cram commentating. Note how far ahead of Farah, Kiprop finished and outside of the current world record. The way men just keep running faster is incredible. Remember that Mo Farah is a 5,000 and 10,000 metre runner, moving up to the marathon soon.
“We Muslims Can Marry Girls Of Any Age”
According to The Nigeria Today 'A prominent Niger Delta Muslim, Alhaji Mujahid Abubakar Dokubo-Asari,
has lashed out at critics of the moves by Nigeria’s Senate to approve
under-age marriage.'
There's more:
Thanks to Jihad Watch for that spot.
There's more:
'Expressing his opinion on the issue this morning, Dokubo, who converted to Islam as an adult, insisted that it is the right of Muslims to marry or give out their daughters at any age they wish, adding that this is not the business of non-Muslims.Now why would this Muslim leader be slo certain that 'it is the right of Muslims to marry or give out their daughters at any age they wish'?
Said the Niger Delta Peoples Volunteer Force (NDPVF) leader through Facebook:
“People should learn to respect other people’s sensibilities…We Muslims have the right to marry when we want or give out our daughters at any age we want. It is not your business and the law must respect our right to do so. Anything short of that is an infringement on our rights. We did not ask you to marry ladies of that age or give your daughters out in marriage at that age. Plzzzzzzzz respect our sensibilities.”
The Nigerian Senate has come under fire from outraged Nigerians and the international community after being convinced by Senator Ahmad Yarima to drop a constitutional amendment outlawing marriage to girls under 18. The former Zamfara State governor who once came under fire for marrying a girl believed to be aged 13 had argued that Islam recognises under-age marriage.'
'Islamic tradition records that Muhammad’s favorite wife, Aisha, was six when Muhammad wedded her and nine when he consummated the marriage: “The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old a
Marrying young girls was not all that unusual for its time, but because in Islam Muhammad is the supreme example of conduct (cf. Qur’an 33:21), he is considered exemplary in this unto today. And so in April 2011, the Bangladesh Mufti Fazlul Haque Amini declared that those trying to pass a law banning child marriage in that country were putting Muhammad in a bad light: “Banning child marriage will cause challenging the marriage of the holy prophet of Islam… [putting] the moral character of the prophet into controversy and challenge.” He added a threat: “Islam permits child marriage and it will not be tolerated if any ruler will ever try to touch this issue in the name of giving more rights to women.” The Mufti said that 200,000 jihadists were ready to sacrifice their lives for any law restricting child marriage. '
Thanks to Jihad Watch for that spot.
It's not about land
Nate Cohen (@docnatecohen) tweeted at 7:39 PM on Sun, Jul 21, 2013:
The conflict is all about land, they say...the #Jews have too much land, they say...#Israel #Arab
Some facts about the Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman case that the BBC and other left-wing media have ignored in their reporting
'Bill Whittle examines the death of Trayvon Martin and trial of George Zimmerman. Is the acquittal of Zimmerman one of the great civil rights injustices of our time?'
So why did the BBC not report the evidence from the case itself and other facts that was freely available online?
Where is the BBC coverage?
News reaches me that an ex-minister in the Israeli government has been accused of beating an 11 year-old boy and that video evidence of the attack exists. Where is the BBC coverage of this incident?
Of course you can be 100% certain that if video existed of an Israeli minister attacking an 11 year-old boy then the BBC would be fearlessly highlighting it on their Middle East news page.
In actual fact the story of a minister in Mori's Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian government so the absence of the story from the BBC is totally understandable...
Here is the video in case you're interested.
Of course you can be 100% certain that if video existed of an Israeli minister attacking an 11 year-old boy then the BBC would be fearlessly highlighting it on their Middle East news page.
In actual fact the story of a minister in Mori's Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian government so the absence of the story from the BBC is totally understandable...
Here is the video in case you're interested.
There are two forms of power generation type activity shown in this picture, can you see both?
You can I presume spot the windmills, used to generate electricity from the wind, you'd find it hard to miss them. But can you spot any other power generation type activity?
Look really carefully, can you see the white poles, they look a bit like mobile phone masts? These mark the location of gas wells that were opened up by frakking.
So which despoiled the landscape more, wind power or frakking?
Thanks to Bishop Hill for the picture spot.
Look really carefully, can you see the white poles, they look a bit like mobile phone masts? These mark the location of gas wells that were opened up by frakking.
So which despoiled the landscape more, wind power or frakking?
Thanks to Bishop Hill for the picture spot.
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Egypt restricts fishing boats next to Gaza. Guess why?
I expect that the BBC will be reporting this news any time soon...
The 1949 Armistice Agreement - armistice lines are NOT borders
'The Armistice Demarcation Lines defined in articles V and VI of this Agreement are agreed upon by the Parties without prejudice to future territorial settlements or boundary lines or to claims of either Party relating thereto.'More here
Remember that the next time the BBC or other anti-Israel organisation refers to 'a return to pre 1967 borders'.
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Mel Smith R.I.P.
"...When I caught Gerald in '68, he was completely wild"
"Wild I was absolutely livid"
Mel Smith you will be much missed...
A couple more sketches, the first from Alas Smith and Jones that is a good ensemble piece - One too many Nazi Generals?
This one is the famous kissing sketch with Griff Rhys Jones
And of course the Grave Sketch...
Mel Smith R.I.P. you will be missed but your work will live on.
Dubai sentences Norwegian woman who reported rape
A woman is raped and yet found found guilty under sharia law. Yet the BBC don't condemn Dubai except for being 'conservative'.
The BBC is full of Dhimmitude and apologists for Islamic cruelty & unfairness.
More here
'Dubai has undergone a rapid transformation in recent years, emerging as a five-star trade and tourism destination with its tax-free salaries and year-round sunshine.
It is now one of the world's most cosmopolitan cities with foreign workers and visitors greatly outnumbering the local population.
But it remains a deeply conservative region, and its strict laws have caught out foreigners in the past. Public displays of affection and drunkenness are frowned upon.'
The BBC is full of Dhimmitude and apologists for Islamic cruelty & unfairness.
More here
Friday, 19 July 2013
BBC News - Government borrowing fell in 2012-13, revised figures show
Can you hear the gritted teeth at the Labour supporting BBC as they have to admit that:
Ooh that must have hurt. Just wondering what Ed Balls will have to say?
More gritted teeth comments here
'Nonetheless, three months into the fiscal year, the government remains on course to reduce the budget deficit in line with its forecasts.'
Ooh that must have hurt. Just wondering what Ed Balls will have to say?
More gritted teeth comments here
Hymenoplasty operations women virgins again increased NHS costs
Because the NHS has a bottomless pit of money to spend! Hymenoplasty and breast enlargement are generally not necessary medical procedures, but are for religious, cultural or personal pride reasons.
I don't want to pay for others to have this sort of operation, especially when people are dieing because the NHS won't fund life saving cancer treatment. Priorities, priorities...
More here
I don't want to pay for others to have this sort of operation, especially when people are dieing because the NHS won't fund life saving cancer treatment. Priorities, priorities...
More here
Antisemitism is the main obstacle to Israeli-Palestinian peace
'... in all too many mosques, schools and television programs across the Arab and Muslim world, the public is indoctrinated with the most vile anti-Jewish bigotry. Hatred is idealized to a degree that the average American, and the average Israeli, cannot comprehend or imagine.'
I can comprehend this hatred, I see it far too often on Twitter and the Web.
More here
A live bull is hung from a tree until it dies for Chinese 'luck' festival
'Chinese villagers have defended their tradition of hanging a live bull from a tree until it dies as part of a ritual to bring them luck and a bumper harvest.
The 'cow-hanging ceremony' has been carried out by the minority Dong people of southern China for almost 500 years and now attracts hundreds of tourists. '
I won't hold my breath waiting for the lefty types who scream about animals rights in UK and west to protest about this cruelty.
Read more here
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Those 'liberal' Lib Dems
Guido Fawkes reports that the Lib Dems have withdrawn the party whip from MP David Ward. This is as a result of his rather intemperate remarks about Israel. Good news you might think, the Lib Dems making a stand on Israel. Well not really as this section of the letter makes clear:
We wish to reiterate that this is not about telling you what your views should be. Indeed, we have all visited the occupied territories and we have all experienced an instinctive and liberal reaction to the humanitarian suffering we have witnessed. You will know that Nick, Simon and I have a consistent track record of being outspoken about illegal settlement activities of Israeli governments and the threat this poses to the two-state solution for which the party has long argued.Yes because the Israelis are entirely responsible for the humanitarian situation in the 'occupied territories'. As for the 'illegal settlement activities of Israeli governments' and how they pose a threat to the two-state solution, I wonder if the Lib Dems are so stupid that they believe that the Palestinian Authority, let alone Hamas, want a two-state solution.
Israel the 'apartheid state' (part 2)
On Tuesday, the Jerusalem Police closed the Temple Mount to Muslim and Christian visitors in an effort to prevent clashes between different religious groups.
The closure order came during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, when many Muslims pray at the Dome of the Rock on the site.
Muslim and Christian MKs attempted to enter the compound Tuesday morning, but police prevented them from doing so.
How utterly disgusting, where are the protests from the United Nations and the anti-Israel protest groups? This is typical of the 'apartheid state of Israel'.
Except I changed the wording of the original report, again. The original comes from the Times of Israel:
The Jerusalem Police closed the Temple Mount to Jewish and Christian visitors Tuesday in an effort to prevent clashes between different religious groups.
The closure order came on Tisha B’Av, a Jewish day of mourning that marks the destruction of the Jewish temples that stood on the site, which this year falls during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, when many Muslims pray at the Dome of the Rock on the site.
Deputy Foreign Minister Ze’ev Elkin attempted to enter the compound Tuesday morning, together with MK Shuli Moalem-Refaeli (Jewish Home), but police prevented them from doing so.
“Security assessments were made this morning, and the decision was made by the Israel Police to close the Temple Mount to all visitors, in order to prevent disturbances,” police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told The Times of Israel Tuesday morning.
Thousands of Jews visited the Western Wall Tuesday in the plaza below the Temple Mount, and Muslims made a pilgrimage to the Dome of the Rock at the top of the mount.
Asked if Elkin and Moalem-Refaeli didn’t enjoy parliamentary immunity to the police decision, Rosenfeld said, “No visits whatsoever are allowed to the Temple Mount.”
So the 'apartheid state of Israel' stopped access to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the holiest site in the holiest city in Judaism, to Jews! Israel truly is an evil, apartheid state.
Israel the 'apartheid state'
Israel announced on Tuesday new rules to grant some rights to foreign domestic workers, but stressed they must "respect" Judaism and "obey" their employers.
Labor Minister David Finkelstein said that the maids must respect "Judaism and its teachings... and obey the orders of the employers and their family members concerning getting the agreed work done."
A domestic worker "does not have the right to reject a work, or leave a job, without a valid reason," he added in remarks carried by the official JNA news agency.How despicable is that? Why are the United Nations and the OIC not up in arms about this new act of racial hatred by the apartheid state of Israel. Aren't all religions equal? What gives the apartheid state of Israel the right to foist it's religion on foreign workers? Also doesn't that last line sound a little like modern day slavery? Why aren't the Philipine and Sri Lankan governments protesting to the Israelis?
All good questions and questions that would in fact be unnecessary because if Israel had done what is in the top 'quoted passage' then the UN, the OIC and many others including numerous anti-Israel groups would be protesting at full volume.
However I replaced the real country and personal names in the above from what was in the original report. The original report comes from Al Bawaba:
Saudi Arabia announced on Tuesday new rules to grant some rights to foreign domestic workers, but stressed they must "respect" Islam and "obey" their employers.
Labor Minister Adel Faqih said that the maids must respect "Islam and its teachings... and obey the orders of the employers and their family members concerning getting the agreed work done."
A domestic worker "does not have the right to reject a work, or leave a job, without a valid reason," he added in remarks carried by the official SPA news agency....
Saudi Arabia gained international notoriety earlier this year over its treatment of foreign domestic workers after the US-backed kingdom beheaded a Sri Lankan maid convicted of killing her employer's baby.
Human Rights Watch said that Saudi authorities put the maid "under duress" to force a confession. Sri Lanka recalled its ambassador to Saudi Arabia after the brutal killing of the maid.
Foreign domestic workers employed in Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries sometimes face slave-like conditions under the sponsorship system which ties the maid to her employer.
Around eight million foreign workers are employed in Saudi Arabia, with most of them coming from South Asia and earning low wages.As it's Saudi Arabia not Israel involved, I think we can expect no reaction from the United Nations, nothing from the OIC and a complete lack of interest from the anti-Israel protest groups. Calling Israel an 'apartheid state' is fun, even if it's not true. Where's the fun in doing the same for Saudi Arabia, even if it is an apartheid state. Never confuse the majority anti-Israel protesters for having principles, well unless you count unreasoning hatred of the only Jewish state as a principle.
Is this taking the piss?
I read all over the news media that scientists at the Bristol Robotics
Laboratory, part of the University of the West of England have developed a way to charge
mobile phones by using human urine. Apparently this team has
been working for on their version of the microbial fuel
cell (MFC), an old concept that has never
quite become commercially viable. MFCs use bacteria to break down
organic material and so create power. The bacteria need the right food to
generate a usable amount of electricity, and the Bristol Robotics team think that human
urine is a possibility, either that or that it would raise some publicity (I know, I'm so cynical).
I think I'll stick to a mains charger for when I'm at home or in a hotel and a solar panel for when I'm away from civilisation.
I think I'll stick to a mains charger for when I'm at home or in a hotel and a solar panel for when I'm away from civilisation.
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Wind power
According to The National Grid:
UK Energy Watch reveal real time energy production:
BM Reports/NETA reveal similar figures
So Wind is managing to contribute 1.7% of the UK's power. That's a really impressive return for spoiling so much of the British countryside, isn't it?
As I have said before - Coal, gas and nuclear power stations work and their power generation is controllable. Wind power's power generation depends upon nature and that means no production on cold days when power demand for heating is high and often over-supply on breezy summer nights when power demand is relatively low.
The UK's countryside is being despoiled to satisfy political ambitions and so as to further the warmist agenda. Please can we have some sense about this matter in the future.
The current capacity of wind power connected to the transmission system that we forecast for is 5.5GW (Jan 2013). This capacity is expected to continue to increase during 2013/14 and could reach 32GW of wind generation capacity by 2020.5.5GW, is that a lot?
UK Energy Watch reveal real time energy production:
BM Reports/NETA reveal similar figures
So Wind is managing to contribute 1.7% of the UK's power. That's a really impressive return for spoiling so much of the British countryside, isn't it?
As I have said before - Coal, gas and nuclear power stations work and their power generation is controllable. Wind power's power generation depends upon nature and that means no production on cold days when power demand for heating is high and often over-supply on breezy summer nights when power demand is relatively low.
The UK's countryside is being despoiled to satisfy political ambitions and so as to further the warmist agenda. Please can we have some sense about this matter in the future.
Martin v. Zimmerman: The media at its worst
One journalist admits he was wrong about the Zimmerman case. He actually looked at the evidence rather than relying on left wing media reports. Will the BBC do the same? I think we all know the answer to that question.
More here
More here
Palestinian people do not exist
I have posted articles quoting Zahir Muhsein and Yasser Arafat's words previously. But the truth is always worth repeating, especially if it forces the hate filled like @DD1958 to face up to the truth.
More here
More here
'Way back on March 31, 1977, the Dutch newspaper Trouw published an interview with Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee member Zahir Muhsein. Here’s what he said:
The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism.That’s pretty clear, isn’t it? It’s even more specific than Golda Meir’s statement. It reaffirms what I have written on this subject. And it is hardly the only such statement of its kind. Arafat himself made a very definitive and unequivocal statement along these lines as late as 1993. It demonstrates conclusively that the Palestinian nationhood argument is the real strategic deception – one geared to set up the destruction of Israel.
For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.
In fact, on the same day Arafat signed the Declaration of Principles on the White House lawn in 1993, he explained his actions on Jordan TV. Here’s what he said: “Since we cannot defeat Israel in war, we do this in stages. We take any and every territory that we can of Palestine, and establish a sovereignty there, and we use it as a springboard to take more. When the time comes, we can get the Arab nations to join us for the final blow against Israel.”
No matter how many people convince themselves that the aspirations for Palestinian statehood are genuine and the key to peace in the Middle East, they are still deceiving themselves.
I’ve said it before and I will say it again, in the history of the world, Palestine has never existed as a nation. The region known as Palestine was ruled alternately by Rome, by Islamic and Christian crusaders, by the Ottoman Empire and, briefly, by the British after World War I. The British agreed to restore at least part of the land to the Jewish people as their ancestral homeland. It was never ruled by Arabs as a separate nation.'
Yasser Arafat
The BBC skimping on details
The BBC report in connection with the hot weather that:
There was a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem? Two Jewish Temples? That can't be right after all Jerusalem is the third holiest site for Islam and Jews only came to 'Palestine' after the Second World War...
The hot weather has prompted Rabbi Alan Kimche, one of London's leading orthodox rabbis, to warn his congregation about dehydration during a fast, which is due to begin on Monday night for 25 hoursNo background to the fast? I wonder why, oh yes because yesterday was Tisha B'Av: an annual Jewish fast day which commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem and the subsequent exile of the Jews from the Land of Israel.
There was a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem? Two Jewish Temples? That can't be right after all Jerusalem is the third holiest site for Islam and Jews only came to 'Palestine' after the Second World War...
I missed a day!
I was so busy yesterday, and so hot, that I dodn't post anything on my blog. This is a very rare occurrence and one that I will try not to repeat!
Monday, 15 July 2013
Islamism as a memeplex - The Commentator
'Islam, on the other-hand, is still going through its 'dark ages'. Thought-competition is being brutally suppressed in many Muslim-majority countries as Saudi-funded brands of ultra-austere Islam proliferate. The Saudi state continues to spend a large portion of its petrodollars building mosques around the world yet, ironically, according to Sharia law, non-Muslim religious structures are not allowed to be built inside its own lands. It takes years of red tape for existing churches in other Arab Nations such as Egypt to be even allowed to be repaired and this puts the houses of worship of any competing memeplex in a state of permanent decline.'A fascinating article, have a read at The Commentator
What fear of being accused of being a racist lead to
'Despite irrefutable evidence that the girls were being sexually abused, no one — according to a report published by the House of Commons on June 5 — acted to draw all the facts together, apparently due to fears by police and social workers that they would be accused of racism against Muslims.
Evidence presented to us suggests that there is a model of localized grooming of Pakistani-heritage men targeting young White girls. This must be acknowledged by official agencies, who we were concerned to hear in some areas of particular community tension, had reportedly been slow to draw attention to the issue for fear of affecting community cohesion. The condemnation from those communities of this vile crime should demonstrate that there is no excuse for tip-toeing around this issue. It is important that police, social workers and others be able to raise their concerns freely, without fear of being labelled racist."
These allegations have been confirmed by the imam of the Oxford Islamic Congregation, Taj Hargey, who says race and religion are inextricably linked to the spate of grooming rings in which Muslim men are targeting under-age white girls.
Writing in the Daily Mail on May 15, Hargey states: "Apart from its sheer depravity, what also depresses me about this case is the widespread refusal to face up to its hard realities. The fact is that the vicious activities of the Oxford ring are bound up with religion and race: religion, because all the perpetrators, though they had different nationalities, were Muslim; and race, because they deliberately targeted vulnerable white girls, whom they appeared to regard as 'easy meat', to use one of their revealing, racist phrases."
"But as so often in fearful, politically correct modern Britain," Hargey continues, "there is a craven unwillingness to face up to this reality. Commentators and politicians tip-toe around it, hiding behind weasel words. … Part of the reason this scandal happened at all is precisely because of such politically correct thinking. All the agencies of the state, including the police, the social services and the care system, seemed eager to ignore the sickening exploitation that was happening before their eyes. Terrified of accusations of racism, desperate not to undermine the official creed of cultural diversity, they took no action against obvious abuse."
According to Hargey, "Another sign of the cowardly approach to these horrors is the constant reference to the criminals as 'Asians' rather than as 'Muslims.' In this context, Asian is a completely meaningless term. The men were not from China, or India or Sri Lanka or even Bangladesh. They were all from either Pakistan or Eritrea, which is, in fact, in East Africa rather than Asia."
He also says the grooming rings in Britain are actually being promoted by imams who encourage followers to believe that white women deserve to be "punished." He writes that Muslims in Britain "have been drip-fed for years [with] a far less uplifting doctrine, one that denigrates all women, but treats whites with particular contempt. In the misguided orthodoxy that now prevails in many mosques, including several of those in Oxford, men are unfortunately taught that women are second-class citizens, little more than chattels or possessions over whom they have absolute authority."
Hargey points to a telling incident in the trial when it was revealed that Mohammed Karrar branded one of the girls with an "M," as if she were a cow. He writes, "'Now, if you have sex with someone else, he'll know that you belong to me,' said this criminal, highlighting an attitude where women are seen as nothing more than personal property. The view of some Islamic preachers towards white women can be appalling. They encourage their followers to believe that these women are habitually promiscuous, decadent and sleazy — sins which are made all the worse by the fact that they arekaffurs or non-believers. Their dress code, from mini-skirts to sleeveless tops, is deemed to reflect their impure and immoral outlook. According to this mentality, these white women deserve to be punished for their behavior by being exploited and degraded."'
If you haven't read the case reports you might not know the full horror of this case. Read more here
Sunday, 14 July 2013
When blouse buttons come undone
Julia Louis-Drefus aka Elaine from Seinfeld shows more cleavage than usual.
How Labour policy is made...
Chris Dunne (@ChrisDunne29) tweeted at 8:59 PM on Sat, Jul 13, 2013:
Exclusive: how the #Labour party make policy:
Exclusive: how the #Labour party make policy:
Saturday, 13 July 2013
Dasaolu becomes second-fastest Brit - BBC Sport
A British athlete running 100m in 9.91! I am shocked... Maybe he could threaten the Jamaicans & Americans.
Well not with 9.91 but if he could get down into the 9.8s then maybe...
Story here
Of course if the leading Americans and Jamaicans keep failing drug tests then it could be a GB gold, silver & bronze!
Well not with 9.91 but if he could get down into the 9.8s then maybe...
Story here
Of course if the leading Americans and Jamaicans keep failing drug tests then it could be a GB gold, silver & bronze!
Another delicious piece of Leftist hypocrisy - The Commentator
A must read article.. Here's an extract:
More here
'It doesn't matter that the multi-billion pound behemoth that is the BBC wastes our money left right and centre; it is the right kind of broadcaster. It is not Sky. Sky is evil you see. The BBC isn't.
And it is perfectly fine for the BBC to spend a fortune on presenters like Jeremy Paxman but not so good when it comes to Jeremy Clarkson because he's, well, the wrong type of presenter.
And it is perfectly fine for a footballer to be on £250,000 a week. That's good. That's working class.
Football is working class isn't it? I'm sure I read in the Guardian that it was.
In reality of course, mates of mine who grew up supporting their teams can hardly afford to attend nowadays as prices take the sport away from them.
But £250,000 a week is fine for Rooney. It's the right kind of wage unlike those evil bankers with their £1m wages and £250,000 a year bonuses. That's the wrong kind of pay.
And of course Microsoft is evil but Apple isn't. Starbucks is a tax-cheating filthy company until you need wi-fi and your double, skinny, mocha-peasant flat.
Now, hypocrisy isn't, unfortunately, the sole preserve of the left, but they just do a damn good job at it. Whether sending their kids to private school while condemning everyone else to the sink estate comp or flying to Tuscany as air-fares go up -- all to protect the planet you know -- the left see things in absolutes. '
True dat!'
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Why is it so hard for a man to be massaged by a man?
George Constanza's not happy at having a male masseur.
Mum claims son was REFUSED water at school in heatwave as it was 'unfair' on fasting Muslim classmates - Mirror Online
'Headteacher Craig Duncan said: "We do everything that we can to ensure the welfare of all of our children and we would never prevent them from having access to water.
"In this case, water was available and pupils were just reminded to be respectful to their classmates who were unable to drink in this hot weather."'
Welcome to 21st century multi cultural Britain. Except often it's less multi cultural and more scared of offending Islam.
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Missile from Gaza hits Western Negev: BBC silent | BBC Watch
Missiles fired from Gaza at Israel are apparently not newsworthy. I am sure the BBC will manage to report any Israeli response.
Friday, 12 July 2013
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Television's treatments of Jesus and Mohammad
Red Dwarf X has someone portraying Jesus, obviously he's played as pretty dumb and then also determined to trash his reputation because of the wars he finds out will be started in his name.
Will there ever be an episode portraying Mohammad similarly? Somehow I doubt it.
At the end of the programme, it was shown that this was a different Jesus, so that's OK then. Then another Jesus appeared along with his twin Judas, a blasphemous explanation of this situation was presented earlier in the episode.
Would a TV programme get away with doing a similar, but it was only that Mohammad plot line?
Will there ever be an episode portraying Mohammad similarly? Somehow I doubt it.
At the end of the programme, it was shown that this was a different Jesus, so that's OK then. Then another Jesus appeared along with his twin Judas, a blasphemous explanation of this situation was presented earlier in the episode.
Would a TV programme get away with doing a similar, but it was only that Mohammad plot line?
Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament "denigrates" Holocaust - The Commentator
Another Lib Dem with a Jewish problem...
Accentuate the Positive, Jordan is Palestine - Op-Eds - Israel National News
More, much more on this tomorrow...
More, much more on this tomorrow...
FIFA’s Stony Silence on Soccer Field Launchers (Video) | The Jewish Press
Fifa show the usual spinelessness of a trans national organisation when faced with evidence of Islamic terrorists.
Original article here
'The international FIFA soccer association totally ignored a government presentation Tuesday of Hamas’ using soccer fields to camouflage underground missile launchers and instead delivered a threat that Israel faces expulsion from FIFA if it does not allow free travel to Palestinian Authority soccer players.
Hamas bragged last year about its missiles hidden underneath a Gaza soccer field during Israel’s Pillar of Defense offensive to stop missile attacks that reached as far north as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu hosted FIFA president Joseph Blatter on Tuesday after the soccer official attended the opening of the new offices of the Palestine Football Association in Ramallah.
If Netanyahu thought his visual presentation of missile launchers underneath a soccer field would convince Blatter that perhaps soccer fields are not always what they seem to be, he was sorely mistaken.
The exhibit impressed Blatter about as much as Netanyahu impressed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with his “red line” exhibition on Iran’s nuclear program in the United Nations last year.
The Prime Minister showed Blatter aerial photographs of Fajr-5 missile launchers in the Gaza soccer stadium.
Blatter did not utter a word.
“This is a double war crime,” Netanyahu said. “You’re firing on civilians and you’re hiding behind civilians.”
Blatter did not utter a word.
“We ask FIFA to allow Israel to play fair and not to let the organization and football to be exploited to spread lies,” Netanyahu said.
Blatter did not utter a word.
Netanyahu reminded his visitor that the head of the PA soccer association is Jibril Rajoub, who said earlier this year that, “Gee, I sure wish the Palestinian Authority had a nuclear weapon, because if we did, I would have used it.”
Blatter did not utter a word..
When he did open his mouth, he had this to say: “I will go to defend not only the Palestine Football Association but I will defend the basic principles of FIFA, (which are) to connect people and not to separate people.”
Blatter praised soccer as a way to peace. FIFA’a values are “to recognize each other through football and to live not only in peace but in harmony,” he stated.'
Original article here
Islamophobia – The Irrational Fear of Questioning Islam - Liberties Alliance :: Liberties Alliance
A must read article... Here's the introduction:
'This article will discuss the way the word 'Islamophobia' has been used as a political weapon rather than as an honest way of communicating an idea. The main problem arises from the fact that by combining the words 'Islam' and 'phobia' the resulting term is itself contradictory given current usage. It ignores rational fears that people may have and in the best Stalinist tradition labels those with such fears as being mentally ill.And the title of the first section:
We will start by showing how the term 'Islamophobia' as it is currently used is merely a political tool to shut people up. We will then demonstrate how a word that combines 'Islam' and 'phobia' could be more appropriately defined. The inclusion of a linguistic component used regularly by psychiatrists will of course be justified in our more logical definition. We will then look at the case of the recent Boston bombing as an example of what happens when Islamophobia as the irrational fear of questioning Islam is not taken into consideration by policymakers who often appear to be its most acute sufferers.
This article will argue that if the world 'phobia' is to be used in combination with Islam then it is more appropriate for describing the people who currently wield the term rather than those who are victimised by such people. Islamophobia therefore then defined as 'the irrational fear of questioning Islam'.'
''Islamophobia' As A Tool To Shut People Up! 'Do read the whole article here
Enough, no more time will I waste on @DD1958
I have been engaged in a Twitter debate of sorts with @DD1958. When I saw the following Tweet I should have NCF'd him, instead I continued trying to prove that he was wrong about Israel and the Palestinians.
I now have concluded that it's not worth continuing to debate with someone whose mind is so closed and impervious to facts, it's like talking to a particularly thick brick wall. So I have issued my final NCF to @DD1958.
@DD1958 you'll get no more pleasure from winding up this non-bigot.
In case anybody doesn't know, NCF means 'No Comment Follows'.
I now have concluded that it's not worth continuing to debate with someone whose mind is so closed and impervious to facts, it's like talking to a particularly thick brick wall. So I have issued my final NCF to @DD1958.
@DD1958 you'll get no more pleasure from winding up this non-bigot.
In case anybody doesn't know, NCF means 'No Comment Follows'.
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Thank heavens Shane Warne isn't still playing for Australia
Some of Shane Warne's best wicket-taking deliveries.
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Britons urged to boycott Maldives over sexist laws - Asia - World - The Independent
'Britons urged to boycott Maldives over sexist lawsMore here
As 15-year-old rape victim faces 100 lashes, women's rights groups have urged David Cameron to intervene
The Maldivian government's own figures show that 90 per cent of people sentenced to flogging are female, while one in three women between the ages of 15 and 49 have suffered physical or sexual abuse over the past five years.'
Actors of Arab TV Series Khaybar Make Antisemitic Remarks
Whilst the BBC and Channel 4 celebrate Ramadan and British Airways Highlife magazine tells us how families get together to watch television on Ramadan evening, it's MEMRI who tell us about this year's anti Semitic Ramadan tv series.
Sharia Law in Uganda: Converts out of Islam Acid Attacked - Atlas Shrugs
'Senior Pastor/Bishop Umar Mulinde of Gospel Life Church International outside Kampala has begun facial reconstruction after assailants who shouted "Allahu Akbar [God is greater]" cast acid on him on Christmas Eve 2011, while Christian school founder Hassan Muwanguzi of eastern Uganda is homeless and facing death threats from Islamic extremists who burned down his house.Even in Christian majority countries, large Muslim minorities are flexing their muscles and implementing sharia law.
"Acid damaged my face beyond what we had initially thought," Mulinde recently wrote to Morning Star News from Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer (near Tel Aviv), Israel, "causing a very terrible wound, nearly cutting off my head, right eye, ear, nose and causing serious deforming scars, but praise God that He helped me to get good medication and prayers of the saints worldwide, otherwise I almost died."'
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