
Thursday 22 May 2008


I have covered this subject before but have just found a new article that I think deserves wider reading. It is a piece entitled "A Concise History of the Fauxtography Blogstorm in the 2006 Lebanon War" and can be found at the American Communication Journal.

The article includes a handy definition of fauxtography:

"fauxtography refers to visual images, especially news photographs, which convey a questionable (or outright false) sense of the events they seem to depict.1 Apart from the clever word play evident in the term, it is shorthand for a serious criticism of photojournalism products, both the images and the associated text."

The only thing missing from the article are example photos, for that you should take a trip over to the following:

Wikipedia for coverage of fauxtography in the Lebanese War

EU Referendum has one of the best articles on the "Qana incident"

EU Referendum has another piece on "green helmet guy" and "stretcher alley"

EU Referendum with the first of their articles on "green helmet guy" and links forward to subsequent articles

The Wall Street Journal including the "dead man sitting up" story

Hot Air including the exposing of what was actually on fire and it wasn't an Israeli plane or the result of a bombing raid, absolute "rubbish". Also many good links to more examples

Drinking from home

Little Green Footballs with their take on "green helmet guy"

The Jawa report

Isreally Cool re black hat guy

It is a shame that these examples do not receive more coverage on the BBC or other biased western media, until they do it is the duty of all honest right thinking people to spread the word.


I see that A Tangled Web has covered the same story today and has some interesting links as well, some of which I had seen but forgotten to put in my piece.

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