
Saturday, 17 April 2010

Labour have given up on winning the popular vote but still hope to win the most seats

The immediate reaction of the Labour party to last night's You Gov poll showing the Lib Dems overtaking the Labour party was to twitter: 'YouGov: Seats CON: 244 LAB: 271 LDEM 103 #ge2010 #labourwin'

As Dizzy Thinks writes:
'Now, losing the popular vote, coming second but still winning power, as in 2005, flew... just. However, boasting that even if you come third you'll still win most seats whilst campaigning on an electoral reform agenda?

Would the infamous "court of public opinion" stand for that?'

One more election not won by the Conservative party and the EU project can be finished, the 'new world order' established and electoral reform introduced to ensure a succession of left of centre governments and seats for the very minority parties that the liberal left claim to hate. Don't you just love democracy?

Now maybe the Conservatives will regret not standing up and complaining, as Labour did previously, to the Electoral Commission about the bias inherent in the UK electoral system. Regrets are one thing but it is far too late now and the left wing chickens are coming home to roost and whilst they roost they will crap all over the Conservative party's shiny new car.

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