
Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Now I really am depressed

The BBC report that:
'People who regularly eat chocolate are more depressive, experts have found.

Research in Archives of Internal Medicine shows those who eat at least a bar every week are more glum than those who only eat chocolate now and again.

Many believe chocolate has the power to lift mood, and the US team say this may be true, although scientific proof for this is lacking.

But they say they cannot rule out that chocolate may be a cause rather than the cure for being depressed.

In the study, which included nearly 1,000 adults, the more chocolate the men and women consumed the lower their mood.

Those who ate the most - more than six regular 28g size bars a month - scored the highest on depression, using a recognised scale.'
My theory is that chocolate does lift the mood but eating chocolate makes you fat and so depressed. At a certain point the depression caused by being fat exceeds the mood lift from eating chocolate, in my case this happens half way into the second bar!

1 comment:

ArtCo said...

Well my wife eats chocolate like its going out of fashion and she's still a size 10 , moody bastard sometimes though.