
Thursday 1 September 2011

Gold has peaked, it's on the way down... so trust paper money not gold

Gold has peaked, it's on the way down... so trust paper money not gold

That seems to be the message from the Central Bankers and their pet politicians. So let's see how gold has fared over the last year...

On 31 August 2011 the COMEX/NYMEX spot bullion prices closed at:
- Gold $1830.15
- Silver $41.76

One year ago today, they closed at:
- Gold $1249.35
- Silver $19.44

So do you wish you'd put your money into gold rather than shares or the bank?

Yes gold is down from its very recent peak but would you bet against it rising in value again when the next piece of bad economic data comes in or when the USA embarks upon another round of quantative easing?

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