Jenrick Admits Tories Should Have Abolished NHS England
46 minutes ago
I am not a sheep, I have my own mind
I have had enough of being told what and how to think
Whilst we are still allowed the remnants of free speech,
I will speak out.
I also reserve the right to discuss less controversial matters should I feel the urge.
Is it not trye that water expands when it freezes yet sits 90% in the water. Will the sea level not decrease if the ice melts. Not suggesting the ice meting is a good thing, but do they really know what they are talking about, or is it just the latest scare. When i was at school in the early seventies, I was taught that the food would run out by 2000 because of popualtion growth.
I have really noticed ice recently during this winter and must say it is starting to get to me. I wish the spring would arrive. I wounder if this years winter is a guide of things to come.
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