
Wednesday 16 September 2009

John Humphrys seems to think that "we all knew" what the truth about cuts was so Gordon Brown denial is not really a story

Listen to John Humphrys Today interview with George Osborne and wonder at John Humphrys line of questioning. Can you imagine the BBC outcry if there was documentary proof that a Conservative Prime Minister had lied to the House of Commons; so why the soft-pedalling over Gordon Brown having done so? I think we all know why.

The BBC are now reporting this story in very bare detail:
"Leaked Treasury documents show the government is preparing 10% cuts in departmental budgets, shadow chancellor George Osborne has told the BBC.

Mr Osborne told Radio 4's Today programme the documents, which were leaked to the Tories, showed Gordon Brown "misled" Parliament.

"He told the House of Commmons that the Conservatives were planning 10% cuts and he was not," said Mr Osborne.

But the leaked documents includes "near 10% cuts" across government, he added."
I wonder how long before the Government spin machine comes up with a counter-story?


thruppennybit said...

Naughtie, surely?

Not a sheep said...

Was it? For some odd reason I keep mixing them up; maybe the unrelenting bias gets to me...